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Gestational diabetic I've just had kit Kat feel really guilty !

4 replies

Tia2005 · 22/06/2015 21:23

For about a month I've had no chocolate and I've just had a kit Kat I've had s shit weekend I just really wanted it now I feel guilty

OP posts:
quesadillas · 23/06/2015 15:11

One slip won't matter. Are all your readings generally ok apart from then?

I haven't slipped up yet, but got close a couple of times!

changingagain · 23/06/2015 14:53

I don't think one sugar spike is anything to worry about.
Last week I ate shop bought mashed root veg. It was only after getting a really high reading that I checked the packet and realised it was 80% potato Blush
I wish I had eaten a kitkat instead, at least I would have enjoyed the sugar spike.

IceLemonGin · 23/06/2015 09:48

I have GD. Don't beat yourself up, drink plenty of water and go for a walk/do some exercise to burn off some sugar and get back on the wagon.

For a sweet treat, I can tollerate strawberries with double cream or a dark chocolate digestive if I team it with some protein.

How far along are you?

princessvikki · 23/06/2015 09:46

I have no experience with gestational diabetes, except the horrible gtt test, but I would say everyone slips up occasionally with any change in diet, it's to late to change it now so don't beat yourself up just move on. Flowers

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