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What's on offer this week....

3 replies

Cheshirehello79 · 06/06/2015 08:11

Just thought I should share this with everyone ....

There's baby & toddler event at Argos ... I just bought my nursery furniture
If you fancy treating yourself boots have champneys blissful bump spa package reduced to £16 from £25 it's a must have after a long days work


OP posts:
IfYouWereARiverIdLearnToFloat · 06/06/2015 22:06

I picked up a set of self sterilising MAM bottles in boots today with a third off & another £3 in points with the parenting club. Also money off Burt's Bees Mama Bee products. I can't stop buying things...

twomorecats · 06/06/2015 08:50

Thanks! Not sure whether it's still on but the Aldi baby event is always good:

iniquity · 06/06/2015 08:29

Thanks Cheshire I will take a look

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