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must have....

5 replies

themumfairy · 31/05/2015 14:35

what are everyone's must have items for a new baby. 6 years since my youngest was born and everything has changed so much. I love the look of the cosatto 3sixti high chair for when baby starting weaning. want to write my list for dp Wink x

OP posts:
Esssss · 31/05/2015 18:01

Sling and a bouncy chair.

mayaknew · 31/05/2015 15:58

Most people will say a mat/bath on the floor is fine , but I swear by a changing station with bath and shelves . They're great for storage and changing and bathing at that height is much better for your back Smile

themumfairy · 31/05/2015 14:50

I'll look into both of those thankyou. really it's anything that made those first few months a little bit easier x

OP posts:
batfish · 31/05/2015 14:48

Not a 'must have' by any means but my friend has a sleepyhead for her baby so I am considering one - she can put it in the cot for naps or have it on the sofa and it is good to take if you are visiting friends for baby to nap on. A couple of friends also have a cocoonababy and their babies absolutely love them but again definitely not a must have. Both are expensive so I will only be considering one if either!

xxx231 · 31/05/2015 14:42

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