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Pregnant with twins

3 replies

Karentaylor86 · 18/04/2015 02:24

I don't know what to do or say or think! My daughter who has just turned 20 found out that she was pregnant last week. It wasn't planned and she wasn't sure if she wanted to go ahead or not. Then a couple of days ago her morning sickness had become so server that I took her to hospital as she was unable to keep even water down. On Thursday she had a scan and I almost passed out in shock, she is carrying twins!!!!!! (Identical) now if she was struggling with the idea of 1 baby, it's any ones guess what she's thinking/feeling now.

I've told her I'll support her in anyway I can, in whatever she chooses. But at the same time I'm scared to say to much in case I influence her.

We live in a 2 bedroom flat with my other daughter (her sister), she is in a relationship with the twins father for a little over a year, but it's a very volatile relationship due to his mental health problems and her anger problems. She is an assistant manager in a food shop near by and loves her job. Although I'm more than happy to look after the babies so she can continue to live her life the way it is now, unfortunately I'm very ill and spend a lot of time in hospital.

Please help we just don't know what to do. I think she is swaying towards a termination. But she is unsure and scared. I desperately don't want her to get rid of them as they are part of me too, and part of my child who I adore. But at the same time I don't want her to go against her wishes to please me. Which is making it difficult to have an open and honest discussion for fear of pushing my views on her.

All I really know is that what ever she chooses to do will in no way affect the support that I will give her or the love and respect I feel for her. I am just terrified that she will make a decision that's she regrets in time.

Where can we go for help??

Thanks in advance guys

Karen xxx

OP posts:
MorgansMummy24 · 18/04/2015 09:24

You sound like a really good mum Flowers

slightlyinsane · 18/04/2015 08:55

Such a difficult decision to make. Gp is definitely the 1st place to go. You don't say how many wks she is? Twin pregnancies are tough at the best of times without having to struggle with a huge decision like this on top of morning sickness which just amplifies all the worries.
Unfortunately there isn't much breathing space with an identical twin pregnancy and it's full on all the way through, right from the start.
She needs a bit of time for the information to sink in before she should think about choices, knee jerk reactions can't be undone, and from experience finding out your having twins is a freaking huge shock that often goes on for months.
hold her hand and listen to her, which from your post sounds like you're already doing.
The Gp will be able to provide some counselling to help her cope either way. X

Hobbit19 · 18/04/2015 07:00

Karen this sounds like a really difficult situation. However, your daughter has you for support and that is the main thing. I would book an appointment with your gp for you and your daughter to discuss your daughter's options.

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