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Anyone planned pregnancy for specific month?

80 replies

Stella29 · 26/01/2015 10:14

Hi all,
Has anyone planned and been successful in planning a pregnancy for a specific month? I will be over the moon regardless if it works out at that time or not. Financially we would be a significantly better off during my maternity leave if we could time it this July or August as my bonus would be included in my average weekly earnings. Has anyone managed to plan ahead and be successful?

Mrs B x

OP posts:
PenguinsandtheTantrumofDoom · 26/01/2015 15:42

Depends on the dates Numberthree. It is if your annual bonus is paid in the reference period for calculating SMP. It is approximately weeks 17-25 of your pregnancy (it's the 8 weeks before the qualifying week. The qualifying week is 15 weeks before you are due - ie. 25 weeks. There are some slightly complicated rules depending on whether you are paid weekly or monthly iirc).

Number3cometome · 26/01/2015 15:51

I will be 28 weeks when the bonus is paid. Bollocks.
And I get paid monthly.

Normal salary for 6 weeks then back to work it is then!

PenguinsandtheTantrumofDoom · 26/01/2015 15:57

Do do a proper date check, but doesn't sound likely you'll benefit. It is a monumentally unfair rule.

Number3cometome · 26/01/2015 16:03

It's ok, I did assume it would be 6 week's full pay so alas that is what I will receive.

Stella29 · 26/01/2015 16:07

Completely agree it's ridiculous! Keep thinking we've paid our taxes and worked hard we might aswell try! I have six months to get to grips with my cycle :)

OP posts:
Number3cometome · 26/01/2015 16:10

My tax statement thing said I have paid £16k in tax over the last year.

It wasn't just the morning sickness that made me sick that day!!

Elizabethtailored · 26/01/2015 16:23

Yes and it has worked first time twice. However i know that is very lucky and highly unusual.

spudnik1 · 26/01/2015 17:13

My sister is getting married in september, so we started trying with the aim of having it all done and dusted back in shape for being a bridesmaid in september.

Roll on as good 10 months and have just fell pregnant, will be due around the day of the wedding.

I don't care at all i am just so happy to have finally fallen pregnant. My sister understands, just cross my fingers i dont go into labour in the middle of the service!

weeblueberry · 26/01/2015 18:01

Yes we did. There is a massive overseas family event this summer and we said 'we'll aim for x month and if it doesn't happen we'll wait another 8 months before trying'. Fell first month so technically it worked to the exact month we wanted.

SweepTheHalls · 26/01/2015 18:04

Planned a baby for September 2013. Still trying so that went well!

Stella29 · 26/01/2015 18:28

Curious - were any of you on the pill before trying and how long did you stop before trying?

OP posts:
PenguinsandtheTantrumofDoom · 26/01/2015 18:33

There is some evidence fertility actually jumps for many women after the pill. I don't think you need to worry unless you actually experience a difficulty

We conceived month 2 (other pregnancies month 1), which was the first month I ovulated

GotToBeInItToWinIt · 26/01/2015 18:36

Yes I was on the pill before trying, and was off it for 7 months before actively trying. Took 13 months of actively trying. My periods were irregular for the first 4 months but had regulated by the time we started trying.

supersalmon1 · 26/01/2015 18:42

I was on the pill, came off in September and conceived in October. Baby is due middle of July.

Stella29 · 26/01/2015 18:43

Thanks both! Gottobeinittowinit- that's a shame. Glad you fell pregnant in the end x

OP posts:
BananaToast · 26/01/2015 18:43

I was on the pill, came off in April, had 3 normal cycles and started TTC in July, BFP in August.

pinkie87 · 26/01/2015 19:03

I was in the pill, came off in September, but didn't actively try until December (When I got pregnant). I feel very lucky!

Jenni2legs · 26/01/2015 19:20

Nope, didn't manage it I am born June, DH July, DS August and DD October - so weirdly I wanted bump to be September to fill the gap :)
She's due in May, so the gap is still there (might need to get a dog one September).

Stella29 · 26/01/2015 19:26

Pinkie87 - fantastic! I hope it euros out for is like it did you!

OP posts:
JennyBlueWren · 26/01/2015 19:27

I planned to get pregnant so that I'd give birth in July (or August) as I'm a teacher and it would fit great with school year and not cause disruption for my class or problems with covering.

I was very pleased when I finally got pregnant 6 months later and will have baby towards the end of February! Yes I'm leaving part way through a term at the hardest time to replace but babies don't do planning.

LittleGreyCatwithapinkcollar · 26/01/2015 19:31

Not really planned as such. Was aiming for September baby but took March and April off TTC to avoid xmas. due early April!

YonicScrewdriver · 26/01/2015 19:40

Will you be gutted if you just miss, though, OP? I think I would almost rather not try!


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YonicScrewdriver · 26/01/2015 19:41

Plus I imagine you are paid monthly so do check the rules if you are going for it.

Number3cometome · 26/01/2015 19:45

I was on Cerazette, stopped in July, fell pregnant in October, I was very suprised seeing as it took me over a year to fall with DS and 4 with DD!!

beth1987 · 26/01/2015 19:49

No, but it worked out well. Baby is due in Feb. OH lambs end of march to late april so it meant avoiding lambing sheep which would have been difficult and a worry! Would maybe try to next time but don't plan for there to be a next time. In theory it would have worked out well if this wasn't an issue to have end of pregnancy busy time at work so April-June as I would have been able to carry on working longer as there is less heavy work then and no ice!

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