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32 weeks feeling pressure down below

8 replies

Bondy83 · 01/01/2015 09:50

Just that really, I'm 32 weeks and woke up in the night with shooting pains and feeling lots or pressure down below. It was more of a continuous ache rather than spread out contractions and pains were only in my pubic area not in my bump.
R these normal "growing pains" ? Or could it be a sign something is going to happen? I'm a bit worried as it's too soon for baby to come.

OP posts:
blowinahoolie · 14/05/2015 16:05

I'm 25 weeks and the pains started happening a few weeks ago, so I've got through to a midwife and had a chat this afternoon and she said it sounds like Pelvic Girdle Pain and I've self referred to the hospital physio team, get seen on 25th May. Can't go on much longer like this, walking around is getting complicated and hard to not do when you've two DC to look after! This is my last pregnancy, there is no doubt about it. With 15 weeks still to go, this is torture :(

Bustherb · 14/05/2015 13:46

I've got this and I'm also 32 weeks. Saw midwife today and she said its because baby is head down xx

blowinahoolie · 14/05/2015 13:38

Bondy hopefully you've had your baby by now and not suffering with possible SPD!

blowinahoolie · 14/05/2015 13:37

I'm going through just now. I suspect it's SPD so going to phone midwife today and get advice on it. I'm having pains down below, between the thighs when I move and also it's a struggle just walking around the house, let alone leaving the house.

I had this in my two previous pregnancies.

Chunderella · 01/01/2015 13:14

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capecath · 01/01/2015 12:45

Sounds a bit like SPD to me??

TheScenicRoute · 01/01/2015 11:17

I'm 32 weeks today, please keep us informed. X

EllaMenoPea · 01/01/2015 09:58

I would give your midwife or triage a call, always better to be safe but it does sound like baby could have just moved position /dropped which is no indicator on when they will come

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