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swollen, sore labia (left side) and itchiness

13 replies

yazz21 · 25/11/2014 16:20

Hi everyone. Sorry in advance for the TMI!
I'm 23 weeks pregnant, and for a while I've noticed after sex my labia can be quite swollen and sore. I gooled it after the first time and got the impression its pretty common in pregnancy. The last 5 or 6days though, the labia on my left side has been constantly swollen and sore in an itchy way (if that makes sense). At first I thought it was chaffing! However after making sure always in loose comfy underwear, nothings improved. Any advice? Should I see GP?

OP posts:
MyNameIsButterfly · 26/11/2014 02:58

I had this, mentioned it to my midwife last time, she took a swab, got results today and it's a trush. Get it checked out for just in case!

ChocolateBiscuitCake · 25/11/2014 20:35

I hate to be there bearer of bad news but I had this when my children kindly gave me threadworms. No bottom itching for me but lots of vaginal swelling and itchiness. I thought it was thrush and canastan didn't work...I then saw the worms on dc and realised!

Bad news is you can't take threadworm meds in pregnancy so deworm your family and eat lots of pumpkin seeds!

Fingers crossed it is just thrush!

yazz21 · 25/11/2014 19:57

I do use radox in the bath. Will start using baby bath products and will try the sudo cream. Hopefully things will improve. If not I'll bring it up with the midwife. Thanks for the advice

OP posts:
Jenny1231990 · 25/11/2014 18:52

I had the itchyness and had to start using baby bath products. Anything like radox made me itch. Maybe try using something different. X
Also when I last had it midwife said to put some sudo Cream on and it helped massively. Hope you feel better soon xx

superbfairywren · 25/11/2014 18:30

I would make sure you wear looser underwear for a few days and only wash with a natural soap something like aloe vera with very little chemicals. I had this earlier in pregnancy and it turned out to be a combination of using a scented shower gel and underwear irritating the skin too. Cleared up really quickly. Think we are just more sensitive to chemicals etc in pregnancy.

yazz21 · 25/11/2014 18:09

Yes probably have some cotton in the drawer. Ok, cheers for all the replies. If I go to the doctors would they easily be able to tell if it was thrush or not?

OP posts:
RunBikeRun · 25/11/2014 17:43

I had this and it turned out to be Thrush, I had no discharge at all but a pessary cleared it all up.

makeitabetterplace · 25/11/2014 17:40

Increased discharge normal. If you've had thrush before you'll know if that's what it is this time. I don't suppose 5% spandex would be a problem. Have you got any cotton to try for a few days?

Serephim · 25/11/2014 17:29

Hiya, if you think it may be thrush you will have to go to the doctors as the pharmacy said it was illegal to sell thrush treatment to pregnant women. The doctor will give you a pessary.

yazz21 · 25/11/2014 17:29

I do have a fair amount of white discharge. But with pregnancys I do seem to get a lot, so its hard to tell if its any more than previously. I haven't had thrush before, are those the kind of symptoms of it?

OP posts:
yazz21 · 25/11/2014 17:23

Thanks for the reply :) I'm not using any sanitary pads and no change in the soap we use. I don't think it could be shaving. Although I shaved last night, the last week I haven't bothered and I haven't noticed any difference today.
Just checked the label. Apparently 95% cotton 5% spandex do you think that would suddenly irritate parts?

OP posts:
Jodie1982 · 25/11/2014 17:15

Thrush maybe? Do u have a thick white discharge? Maybe Use some Canesten cream for the Itching, I've had to use it in previous pregnancies, u can buy it at the chemist.

makeitabetterplace · 25/11/2014 17:08

Are you using sanitary pads or soaps or anything that could be causing irritation? Even if you've used stuff loads before when you get pregnant you are more sensitive. I had a swollen labia a long while ago and it turned out to be sanitary towels and tampons that I had suddenly become allergic to so now I can't use them (mooncup - amazing).

Could it be a reaction to shaving? Again, it could have come on suddenly as you're pregnant.

Are your undies pure cotton rather than any poly cotton mix?

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