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twingey pains and aches at 14 weeks...

7 replies

kitkatkaty87 · 19/08/2014 14:39

anyone else get these. 14 +1 today and have had them on and off since sunday. in abdomen area, sometimes twingey, sometimes like achey muscles, like ive done too many sit ups or something (I havent done any btw!) is this round ligament pain ive heard of or should i be concerned?
Thanks in advance.

OP posts:
kitkatkaty87 · 19/08/2014 18:59

Did your bump pop out even more during or after this period of pains?

OP posts:
Dazedconfused · 19/08/2014 18:26

I had this a fair bit around then am now 35 weeks and at the time spoke to my mw who said was just stretching pains etc Smile 1

kitkatkaty87 · 19/08/2014 18:16

Thanks guys. Reassured me a bit! Mine seemed worse when I was driving in car and definately came on more when sitting down. Must just be stretching I guess! Will ask midwife at 16 week check up.x

OP posts:
Serafinaaa · 19/08/2014 18:03

Yes! I'm 14+3 and I've had achey period pain type feelings but most strongly when I sit down suddenly Blush not sure if that is normal?!

Jodie1982 · 19/08/2014 18:00

I'm 14+3 and have been experiencing similar pains, in my lower left abdomen I've had stabbing pains, really quite painful. Had none today (touch wood!). If your pains get too bad you could call your MW for some advice?

butterfly86 · 19/08/2014 17:39

It sounds like stretching pains mine was kind of like period pains it went around the 18 week mark I think

kitkatkaty87 · 19/08/2014 17:35

Anyone been through this?...

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