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argh! 11weeks pregnant, huge painful spots!

9 replies

DragonFlyx · 05/08/2014 17:18

Can someone help, maybe someone has a miracle cure, I'm 11 weeks pregnant and I started getting these solid, red, big painful spots, I get them on my thighs, my back and now my face. It's quite embarrassing and iv got to go to work in a busy restaurant tonight, I'm already always self conscious so I'm not feeling too confident.

Iv started getting painful little mouth ulcers too, not feeling too great at the moment.

Anyone had or has the same!?

OP posts:
boopdoop · 05/08/2014 19:46

Try crushing 2 aspirin in a very small amount of water, mixing with a bit of honey, and putting that on for a bit - though I know we aren't supposed to take aspirin when pregnant, but I figured it couldn't cause harm this way.

May sound crazy but I discovered it a couple of years ago and it's worked wonders for my skin, and I get similar large hard lump spots. It works best when you first feel them coming up, but I tend to just use it every night and it's been amazing.


Gen35 · 05/08/2014 18:19

I had dreadful skin with dc1, it's awful isn't it? You should consider seeing the dr for a topical antibiotic (I did) - I've also found elemis trienzyme cleanser works really well to keep them at bay I also use sudocrem. Mine didn't get better until dc1 was about 6-8 months, the whole 'beautiful pregnancy skin' thing just isn't true for everyone! Hope something helps!

Mmolly2013 · 05/08/2014 18:06

Seriously try putting sudocream on your spots before bed. I swear by it, it really works reducing redness and inflammation the spot goes away almost overnight, try it.

DragonFlyx · 05/08/2014 17:50

I'll have a look for that spray. I only drink water as drinks high in sugar or fizzy gives me a urine infection, so water is my safe bet. Thanks ladies!

Never had a sick day, but I know what grief others get for calling in sick, so I'm tying to avoid it lol

OP posts:
nyldn · 05/08/2014 17:45

salcura antiac spray. all natural and it has absolutely saved me during my pregnancy. the face wash is great too.

Purplehonesty · 05/08/2014 17:41

I got them too with both pregnancies I drank loads of water which helped a wee bit but honestly they didn't really go until I was about 20 odd weeks. Then I had lovely skin. So it will pass hopefully. I know how you feel tho - I didn't go to work one day as it was so bad I couldn't cover it up.
Sunshine helped too I found

DragonFlyx · 05/08/2014 17:24

Oh iv noticed iv been sweating more :( I don't think I ever felt this gross with my first!

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DragonFlyx · 05/08/2014 17:23

Forgot to add, I currently have 3 on one cheek, my chin and forehead. Make up won't even cover these mountains :(

OP posts:
Lally112 · 05/08/2014 17:20

Not the ulcers but I definitely sympathise with the spots during pregnancy. Unfortunately I don't think theres much that can be done, Everyone kept on with my first ablout being blooming and all I felt was fat, sweaty and spotty.

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