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Very worried - Is this normal?

12 replies

Louise990 · 01/08/2014 09:44

Hi all

I'm 32+5 and yesterday I had an appointment with the consultant for a general check-up. She wanted to measure the fundal height and listen to the heartbeat etc. which I was happy for her to do. At first she asked if a student doctor could do it but because I suffer with anxiety I refused.

Anyway she had a good feel around to begin with to check the position of the baby which is standard I know, but it felt much less comfortable than it usually does when my midwife does the checking! She was quite heavy-handed.

She was explaining what she was doing as she went along so that the student could listen/observe but when she was feeling around towards the bottom of my bump and checking the head/neck area - I couldn't help but wonder whether my baby was feeling pain/discomfort when she was having a squeeze around there.

I'm really concerned that she might have hurt the baby doing this? I know she's a professional but I haven't felt the baby move as much since.

I'm a huge worrier and usually panic over nothing but just wanted to know whether this is normal?

Thank you.

OP posts:
Bellyrub1980 · 13/08/2014 02:56

The most pressure I've ever had applied to my tummy was during the 4d scan. He pushed that probe into my belly really hard for a good 20 mins!! And right there on the screen you could see the baby wriggling about but not reacting in the slightest to the probe digging in.

pinkyredrose · 13/08/2014 01:45

You'll be fine don't worry OP

pinkyredrose · 13/08/2014 01:44


frankiebuns · 01/08/2014 22:08

I hd a midwife that decided to use her knees to hold the doppler to my bump and try n turn baby round she was transverse under my ribs and my god she was rough never had one like that

MontserratCaballe · 01/08/2014 20:32

How are you now, OP?

GingerRodgers · 01/08/2014 13:10

I have always found consultants to be much more heavy handed when examining/doing s&s. The ones I've seen have no bedside manner!

MontserratCaballe · 01/08/2014 11:11

Agree about checking for reduced movement. Lie down, eat something and count the kicks. If this does not reassure you then go to hospital to get checked.

I've had 3 babies and had consultant care as well as routine mw appointments. The consultants, whilst lovely, have rather lacked the gentle touch. The sweep I had with Dd1 was eye watering and made the mw's attempt feel like a tickle! I am sure the baby is fine and will not have been injured.

Good luck- and do get reassurance on the movements if that is still a concern

TestingTestingWonTooFree · 01/08/2014 11:01

I've noticed different levels of discomfort on being examined by different people. I think it's largely down to the baby's position. I don't think the examination was anything to be concerned about.

If you are worried about reduced movement, then you should go and get checked out, but I agree that first you should try lying down (think left side is best), drinking something very cold and maybe eating something sugary.

PenguinsHatchedAnEgg · 01/08/2014 10:49

If you are concerned abuot reduced movement, always go in and get checked out. However, if it is just a routine quiet patch (e.g. mine was always quite in the late morning) then no need to worry.

Louise990 · 01/08/2014 10:34

Thanks for replying. The baby has been moving just not as much as usual but I'm probably overreacting!

I worry so much that the baby can feel pain but I'm pretty sure the doctor wouldn't do anything that could harm her.

Oh pregnancy is exhausting.

OP posts:
squizita · 01/08/2014 10:05

My MW is a rough one Grin and it hasn't harmed my baby (though mine comes riiight up to the bump surface and if you go 'look' and touch it has a massive diva strop!! "NO, don't look at me" kick/swoosh).

Having said that if your baby has reduced movement (1) lie down for a short time - 20-30min - if case it's stress/worry/business = you not noticing. if you still feel uneasy, RING THE MIDWIFE IMMEDIATELY. Do not wait 2 hr (old advice) - ring and/or go to the hospital. They can check.

noblegiraffe · 01/08/2014 09:47

Baby is padded by waters and will be squeezed harder when he is born! The squeezing is fine. However if you are worried about baby's movements then go to the maternity unit at hospital to get checked out.

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