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12 week scan pic - can anyone guess the sex?

10 replies

Cloud10 · 12/06/2014 21:26

Hi all, I'm new here after a few weeks of reading. Had 2 m/c in the past and have been really paranoid, but am starting to believe it may really be happening now so I feel brave enough to post! We had the 12 week scan and all is looking good, yippee! I'm so excited to know the sex and wondered if anyone here could guess from the pic? I know it's difficult, but just for fun!

12 week scan pic - can anyone guess the sex?
OP posts:
francinedoherty · 01/03/2015 12:23

Can Any1 tell what sex my baby is at 12 week scan xx

12 week scan pic - can anyone guess the sex?
missymummykd · 30/06/2014 20:44

Also, just goes to show these theories are rubbish! ! Lol x

missymummykd · 30/06/2014 20:43

Awww brilliant cloud10! Now the fun begins! And many pink purchases! I still have 3 weeks 2 days to wait until we find out! Congratulations! ! Xx

Cloud10 · 30/06/2014 18:58

Soo I promised to update - just had private gender scan and it's a girl! I'm over the moon :) obviously would love either but nice to know so we can start thinking of names, and maybe a teeny bit of shopping! Makes it seem real!

OP posts:
missymummykd · 13/06/2014 23:45

I was thinking of a private gender scan (hoping Groupon might have an offer!) But im having my next scan when im 19 weeks, so only a 6 ish week wait so I think I might just be able to hold out that long! Lol. Really want to know!! Be sure you post an update too!
I too know what its like to feel paranoid and in disbelief as I had 3 ectopics before this one!

Cloud10 · 13/06/2014 23:34

Ooh yes I just saw, lovely pic! I'm afraid I have no idea though :) but yes post an update when you know! I'm going to have a private scan at 16 weeks I think, can't wait! X

OP posts:
missymummykd · 13/06/2014 22:30

I'm in the same boat as you (just posted my scan pic! ).
From the skull theory I would say its a boy? As has a flatter forehead. But im no expert. I can't see the nub which is apparently the best indicator!

Let us know when you find out! ! X

Cloud10 · 13/06/2014 16:38

Thanks, I'll make sure to post. I'm dying to know but I can't see a 'nub' and I don't understand the skull theory! Thanks for replying :)

OP posts:
Siarie · 13/06/2014 11:30

Well I believe that it's a boy, but that's if the early gender detection stuff i've read it right. Who knows whether it's true but apparently you can tell form the point at the end (left side) and the direction of it.

When you find out do post, i'll be interested if it's right.

Smartiepants79 · 12/06/2014 21:28

It's a baby!
I've got 50% chance of being right.

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