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Brown discharge at 11 wks

57 replies

Worried22 · 10/05/2014 09:31

Sorry just want a bit of reassurance, had slight crampy feeling, had lose bowel movements last night and this morning brown mucus, not a lot, but still got me slightly panicking. Think it's nothing and normal, but is it?!

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Worried22 · 18/05/2014 15:44

Thank you. Mn has helped a lot during this tough time. I've got a niggling thought it's all been a mistake and the scan will be all fine but I think I know it's gone really

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MilksteakCharlie · 18/05/2014 15:01

Aw, worried :( I'm so sorry.

Take it easy and be kind to yourself. My thoughts are with you Thanks

Mommypolls8 · 18/05/2014 14:52

Worried, I truly feel for you.
Exactly the same thing happened to me with my first pregnancy.
It's awful.
Much love.

Metalhead · 18/05/2014 14:38

I'm sorry for your loss OP. It's truly crap. I hope you get some support from DP/family/friends.

Worried22 · 18/05/2014 11:21

I think it's gone. I passed something after a horrible cramp. They've sent me home, I'm gutted but trying not to be.

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Nospringflower · 18/05/2014 10:05

Hope everything's ok.

Metalhead · 18/05/2014 08:22

So sorry to hear that OP. I hope they can help you and at least tell you what's happening.

Mama1980 · 18/05/2014 07:16

I'm sorry to hear this but you are in the right place. I hope you get some answers and the news is good.

Trooperslane · 18/05/2014 06:53

You're in the right place worried.

Hope you get a happy answer.


Worried22 · 18/05/2014 06:48

I'm in a&e as woke up with bleeding and cramping. I can't do this anymore. I don't want to get sent home with no answers again.

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cheshirem2b · 18/05/2014 06:34

I hope you get some support at this stressful time.good luck on Tuesday!

sonlypuppyfat · 17/05/2014 23:38

Is babys dad about to help you? Your mind will be doing overtime if you are on your own.

Worried22 · 17/05/2014 21:44

I've let a couple of people know, but I'm on my own this wkend. Hoping I fall asleep early so this awful day is over. But I keep wanting to cry and I can't relax. It's horrible how common this is, and how many women have to go through this.

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InMyOwnSickWayIllAlwaysBe · 17/05/2014 21:32

Thinking of you, hope you have someone with you Thanks
There's always someone here.

Metalhead · 17/05/2014 21:26

I hope it all works out for you and you get some goods news on Tuesday. The waiting and not knowing is terrible, I know, I've been there myself. Hope you've got some support in real life.

Worried22 · 17/05/2014 21:07

There's nothing they can do apart from refer me for an early scan which I'm already having on tues. I was there three hours, I shouldn't have gone really. They couldn't test my urine properly as there was blood in it, my temp was high, but everything else was ok. So just a waiting game now.

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Metalhead · 17/05/2014 20:57

I'm so sorry you're going through this OP. Did you get any help at the walk in centre? I hope you're ok. Thanks

Worried22 · 17/05/2014 18:31

Properly bleeding now, it's not looking good is it? In walk in centre but think they'll say there's nothing they can do and I'll have to go home. They said they can't scan now.

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Worried22 · 17/05/2014 17:05

Thanks for sharing your story, glad everything was fine. I think I know it'll be ok as I'm not in lots of pain but I thought it would have gone by now.

I have just come off the phone to the ooh GP. He asked a few questions to see if I'm at risk of an ectopic pregnancy but he said it was unlikely. He said I can wait for the scan or get an appt but not for a scan or internal, just blood pressure etc. I felt a bit stupid so said I'd wait for tues. He told me what to do if it got worse.

But I'm now sat crying, I was so calm and fine when I spoke to him, I'm not very good at being open with men about my emotional state!

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SecretGeek · 17/05/2014 16:54

Hi Worried,
Really feel for you. I can't promise you'll be okay but I'm in a similar situation and sharing my experience might give you a bit of reassurance to get you through to your scan.

So Tuesday evening (at 10+4) had lose bowel movement (a first for me as I've been constipated the whole pregnancy due to cyclogest) and some cramping, then Wednesday morning found brown discharge when I went to the toilet.

Called epu who booked me in for scan that day. Baby fine, waving arms around and quite lively. Sonographer advised rest until bleeding stops. I was so relived at the time I didn't even think to ask what might've caused it, or request an internal exam. More loose bowel movements that night, then woke up just after midnight gushing red blood. Totally panicked thinking it was all over. Couldn't get through to epu so called nhs direct who sent an ambulance. After a 3 hour wait at epu finally got an internal exam. Doctor confirmed cervix was closed but said there was an old blood clot on my cervix that was coming away and was nothing to worry about. Not pregnancy related at all. They don't want to see me again unless I get severe cramping.

Still bleeding today, not as much but a lot more than just when I wipe. It has gone back to being very dark brown (almost black), old blood. I'm still worrying of course but consoling myself with the fact that there's little pain, just the normal pregnancy cramping I'd gotten used to (and was ignoring before the bleed). Nothing I can do now until dating scan in a fortnight.

Given how long you've been having the brown discharge I'd think an mc is unlikely. Surely if it were the start of one it would have progressed by now? If you don't want to wait any longer try calling your epu - they may allow you to self refer, especially if you explain how much it's affecting you emotionally.

Sorry for the long post but hope it reassures you a bit. Many things other than mc can cause bleeding in pregnancy but any bleeding should always be checked out.

Keeping everything crossed for you for a good outcome.

MrsCouchman · 17/05/2014 14:58

Go and get yourself seen, this stress and worry can't be doing any good for your baby xxx

Worried22 · 17/05/2014 14:39

I've just been asleep, I feel all energy has been taken away from me. Going to get up and see how I feel. I would feel a fraud ringing the maternity unit, thought about the walk in centre. I think I'm panicking and making things worse.

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sonlypuppyfat · 17/05/2014 13:12

Can you not phone your maternity ward and tell them you need help, you shouldn't be left like this.

Worried22 · 17/05/2014 11:10

It's a bit heavier today with more red in it (really sorry for tmi). I'm feeling spaced out and dizzy, not sure if I'm getting a migraine but I feel a bit disorientated. I think maybe I'm getting anxious now, it's hard to know if the symptoms are physical or mental. I kind of want looking after but I'm really crap at asking for help so I just isolate myself.

I hate that the bleeding is slight one min, then a bit worse, so I'm in a dilemma of what to do. I know a&e would do nothing and I should wait for the scan. I'm just starting to feel really tearful and unwell. and I know I sound self indulgent and pathetic, sorry

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Worried22 · 16/05/2014 17:56

I don't understand why there's old blood though. I'm really stressing now as it's worse than it was last week. Hope your scan goes ok.

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