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Reduced movement?

29 replies

LoudAndLarge · 02/05/2014 21:43

I am 36 weeks pregnant and although I have felt movement it doesn't feel consistent.

I know there is less room in there now but can't help worrying.

Anyone else got to this stage and found that things slowed down alot.

OP posts:
sydlexic · 04/05/2014 17:30

Babies movement can change for many reasons, most of them nothing to worry about. Some are something to worry about. It is impossible to tell the difference yourself. If you have reduced movements your baby is alive but things may be going wrong, your baby can be delivered. If you wait and movements reduce further it may be too late.

Most times everything is fine but take no chances, your babies life is not something you gamble with.

swampusdonkus · 04/05/2014 19:01

RoseHoney - why should more movements be checked out? I am 36+1 and have been getting this and wasn't concerned but am now.

Notonthisplanet · 04/05/2014 21:39

Lots more movement can be the same as less. What I should say is that I spent my pregnancy wondering on a day to day basis whether the movements were normal or not and worried like everyone else, when things did change (lots then less) and wasn't right it was OBVIOUS and looking back I realise how all that worrying was pointless, if it's not right you will know for sure and not wonder.

LoudAndLarge · 05/05/2014 15:50

Sorry it's taken me so long to reply. Thank you all so much for the replies and advise.

I called them and have been checked out and everything is fine, they were really helpful and advised that its always best to be checked.

Thank you all again Thanks

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