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Gestational sac, yolk sac, 5 weeks but neg tests!

27 replies

Choccywoccydodah · 28/04/2014 19:08

Hi there not sure where to post, so I apologise if this is I the wrong place.

Well, about me. I've had 4 consecutive early mcs over the last few months.
I am under the care of prof Quenby and on 400mg cyclogest progesterone x 2 daily.

At 11 dpo I got a faint positive on my frer after many extremely faint barely there lines on IC dip sticks.

At 18dpo I started spotting brown blood, (bang on time with the others!) and was due to have an early scan at 19dpo.
19dpo I had what looked like a piece of membrane come out with my first and second wee of the day. Test was barely readable and more or less negative. I rang to cancel my scan and they said come anyway to check everything had come out.

I went, also taking whatever had come out of me for testing, and lo and behold they found a sac and yolk and I was measuring 4.5-5 weeks!!!!
They recommended I have a rescan 10-14 days after, currently booked in for 7th May. They don't know if it was a twin coming away or the start of a mc for this one, but I don't understand how I had a sac and yolk and tested more or less neg!

I had spotting and light period like bleeding on and off for 6 days (only when i wiped) which finally finished yesterday after if turned from brown to pink to dark pink to pink to brown to dark brown yesterday and nothing today.

I'm getting very mild butterfly feelings in my lower belly pelvic area, and my nipples are slightly sensitive.
HOWEVER, I am still testing negative! I just don't understand wth is going on!!
I've read that some people just don't get positive tests until waaaaaay into their pregnancies but I've had tests that came up positive with the other 4!

Can anyone shed any light?
I'm away in France until the end of May so I've managed to book the scan here which is great.
I'm just totally and utterly confused as to what is going on!
I'm still treated my body as though I am pregnant.

Thanks in advance for any answers you come up with :)

OP posts:
Choccywoccydodah · 15/05/2014 16:20

I just don't understand tired, it just seems like a shit way for the 'baby' to end up as it were. At least when it comes out you have some sort of end, and closure, but until that point you're always hanging on the the wtf happened?

I'm so sorry it happened to you. Did you go on to have a successful pregnancy?

We've decided to go home early next week and have managed to get a scan for next Friday afternoon. That way if it's bad news I can spend the whole weekend getting incredibly out of my face (I don't drink btw).
If it's good news I am home and can start to celebrate.

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tiredbutstillsmiling · 15/05/2014 09:27

Choccy I'm really sorry to hear your story.

I had a MC last year and after some spotting I had scan at what I considered to be 8 weeks. I measured 5 weeks and they too saw a sac and yolk. I was told to not worry an I waited for my dating scan. It was here I was told there was nothing there. I too was shocked - I had no bleeding and experienced all the symptoms. At the time I was too shocked to ask why a baby can seemingly just disappear.

Hope you get the news you want to hear.

Choccywoccydodah · 15/05/2014 08:56

Em that gives me some hope, what an amazing story!! Thank you for sharing that :)

I'm still not bleeding, and I'm still getting those feelings low down so I don't know wtf is going on! It's like a pressure feeling now.

I've had the odd glass of wine (begrudgingly) and some Camembert and Brie! However, I just keep getting this niggling feeling that something has been missed!
I've got no hpts with me, only ov sticks. Am going to test with those over the next few days to see if it goes positive, if it does, then it suppose that's my answer. Maybe the bleed I had a couple of weeks ago was in fact a m/c and the cyclogest has just been holding back me ovulating.
I'm still going to have my scan on the 27th though regardless.

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barmybunting · 14/05/2014 19:43

Oh Choccy , I am so sorry to see your update. Life is unbearably unfair at times like this. Hold your DH close and grieve as much as you need to, you have had a horribly hard few months and I only hope things start to get better for you soon. Sending you a huge hug.

Em03 · 14/05/2014 14:35

So so sorry to hear what you are going through.

My mum went through this when she was trying. She spent 15 years trying to conceive once she had me but never fell and had nothing but failed attempts.

Then after some treatment she began to then fall but had 5 miscarriages.

On the 5th MC she decided she couldn't try anymore. Due to continuous bleeding from her 5th miscarriage she had a check up and low and behold she was pregnant. This hadn't been picked up on previous scans, tests were negative and she never had a idea.

She bleed everyday throughout her whole pregnancy and we were told at all scans, especially the early pregnancy scans, that the pregnancy didn't look strong. She also had the 48 hour blood test and her levels had only gone up slightly. It wasn't looking positive from the nurses and doctors point of view but I remember my mum staying positive and was with her when she have birth 2 weeks early.

I really hope all works out for you. Just try to stay as calm as you can and once your back get another scan and the blood tests if you can.


Choccywoccydodah · 12/05/2014 19:53

Thanks ladies.
It's fucking shit tbh. It's my hubby's 40th on Friday, no doubt I'll be in full fucking flow too.
Just had enough and DH said he's so sad seeing me so upset every month and how long do I want to go on like this.
Truth is I don't know. I just want to know what's wrong.
Only thing that's keeping me going for next month is that I actually SAW something this month so maybe next time it'll work.

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sazzlehopes · 12/05/2014 15:06

choccy, I was thinking of you the other day. Sorry to hear your bad news. I am sending big hugs, it is really too unfair and shit. Sorry you had all this whilst on holiday too...hope the prof can help you out when you get back and perhaps try something new.
Lots of love x

bellaboo88 · 12/05/2014 10:26

I'm really sorry choccy :-( its not fair Xx

Choccywoccydodah · 12/05/2014 08:31

Prof thinks I've mcd and to stop the cyclogest :'(

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Choccywoccydodah · 11/05/2014 08:18

Hi sorry not had Internet since Thursday night.
Not had a response to my email yet apart from that it's been forwarded onto the prof so am still using cyclogest at the moment.

Thank you for the thoughts and hugs x

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bellaboo88 · 08/05/2014 22:54

Sending you a hug choccy, really praying they've made a mistake xx

DitzyDonkey · 08/05/2014 18:46

Hi choccy, what an awful situation. Sometimes when you have an early loss it can be absorbed back into your body...maybe that is what happened. But I have my fingers crossed for you that you see a little bean on your next scan! Best of luck!

barmybunting · 08/05/2014 18:20

Have you heard anything from the Prof in reply to your email Choccy?
I really hope it is that their scan equipment is not very sensitive!

Choccywoccydodah · 08/05/2014 08:47

I text my mum yesterday after the scan and she can't understand it either, she said if they saw it at 5 weeks, there is only one way it would disappear surely and that's out! I've read maybe it could go back into your body though so I'm really stuck, but I thought that was only if you lost a twin and that twin got sucked up by the other one iykwim?

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Choccywoccydodah · 08/05/2014 08:44

Hi, yes the scan is booked for 8.20am the day after we get home, although we are coming home a day earlier as we forgot it was bank hol Monday when we get back and don't want to be stuck in traffic. EPU wouldn't be one the Monday for scanning anyway.

I've just emailed the Profs secretary my dilemma so hopefully she'll get back to me today.

I just don't understand where it's gone if it's not come out!

Ruby, did you have early scans?

I'm just wondering perhaps their scanning equipment isn't as good as ours?? I'm really clinging on to some sort of hope here.........!

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Rubyshoe · 08/05/2014 08:05

Hi choccy have been thinking of you since we were 'on the buses' together. So sorry for what you are going through, I can't imagine the stress it's causing you. We had bleeding in this pregnancy at 5weeks that went on for about 10 days and was pink / brown and at times bright red and little bear is still going at 20 weeks now. Like you I don't understand the scan thing bit will have everything crossed for you and DH x

barmybunting · 07/05/2014 20:14

Oh Choccy, I have been thinking about you and wondering how you were getting on. How confusing and frustrating for you both! Is 3 weeks time the earliest you will be home?

Choccywoccydodah · 07/05/2014 20:09

Gladly take the hug x

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Choccywoccydodah · 07/05/2014 20:09

Just had enough now knotty.
This would be number 5 if it comes to nothing. Me and dh just feel like giving up tbh, going through this every month is heartbreaking.
We have a beautiful 2.8 year old son, but I just don't want him to be an only and I so want another.

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Knottyknitter · 07/05/2014 19:32

Oh choccy how horrid. Nothing helpful to add I'm afraid, and can't imagine how you must be feeling right now, just know that we're here for you if you need to vent etc.

3 weeks is nothing, if that's the alternative though, really.

And have a very unmumsnetty hug too.

Choccywoccydodah · 07/05/2014 19:10

Hi, so I had my scan today and they found nothing :(
I just don't understand it. How could they find a sac and a yolk at 5 weeks, yet nothing at 7 and nothing has come out?? I'm getting all these funny feelings in my lower belly/pubic region too!! No other symptoms.
Where's it gone??
I have a scan booked in the uk already for when we get back off holiday so I think I'll still go just to make sure. If be 10 weeks then.
I'm on cyclogest progesterone so I don't want to stop taking it in case I start a mc that could've been prevented but if I carry on with it, I'm preventing ovulation and putting back my chances of getting pg by another 3 weeks.
I'm just so confused! :(

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GingerRodgers · 28/04/2014 20:39

Oh god, sorry can't help anymore then! Fingers crossed for you, let us know how you get on.


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Choccywoccydodah · 28/04/2014 20:13

I already contacted her to let them know about the scan, they don't have access to french info.
Also contacted nhs 111 before we left last Thursday, they also couldn't help me!
Google translate has helped me the most so far!!

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GingerRodgers · 28/04/2014 20:10

Can you get in touch with the prof? See if he can contact someone to get your hormone levels checked? You really could do with having them
Done every 48hrs. Is it private healthcare there?

Choccywoccydodah · 28/04/2014 20:00

I can't get in to get bloods for some reason. I think it may be as I'm in France and maybe they don't do the bloods here for things like that for things that are 'non urgent' iyswim?

Thanks ginger :)

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