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Does anyone else get tummy pains after walking?

3 replies

HomeIsWhereTheGinIs · 26/03/2014 19:59

I'm 24 weeks at the moment and have noticed that I get tight and slightly stabby tummy pains (just above tummy button rather than down in lower abdominal area) if I walk or move around for more than about ten minutes. Obviously I checked with my consultant and he says it's nothing to worry about (and I am happy with his explanation) but I was just wondering if it is common? None of my books really make mention of it.

OP posts:
SicknSpan · 26/03/2014 21:08

Could it be braxton hicks? Every afternoon I get a good dose of them when I walk from work to my car- tummy goes tight and hard and whilst not painful as such they are uncomfortable and I have to stop and catch my breath once I get behind the wheel! Am 30+5.

beanful · 26/03/2014 20:59

I have had this too, from a similar point and it lasted a couple of weeks or so. It was a searing pain just below my belly button. Consultant said it was probably just muscles adjusting and it has got better now (34 weeks). Only advice is to take lots of rest stops if out and about! Hope it gets better for you soon x

K8eee · 26/03/2014 20:15

I used to get the tight feeling too op. I think it's just the extra weight you're lugging around that causes it. I'm 40+3 weeks and my belly gets so achey Sad I suggested to.dh he walks behind me and holds my bump up for me Grin

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