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Tiara Club - are you in?

73 replies

ZingSweetApple · 22/01/2014 22:08

Discussing suitable outfits on another thread I suggested wearing a tiara would be fun.
Not to mention glamorous!

I'm due in July and it's going to be my last baby (#7!) and I'll be totally wearing one!Grin

so who is in?

photos or it didn't happen!Wink

The first rule of Tiara Club you talk about Tiara Club


OP posts:
elQuintoConyo · 23/01/2014 12:37

Hi, I opened the thread wondering wtf it was about - sorry, not pregnant, but I had a thought: does anyone have a DP/birthing partner that'd be up for dressing like Tic in Priscilla? He was wearing a chandelier Grin

SaggyOldClothCatPuss · 23/01/2014 12:40

it was a bikini and a skater skirt basically IIRC!

AuntieMaggie · 23/01/2014 18:12

Oh I'm in Grin though you may have to remind me nearer the time!

MrsKoala · 24/01/2014 21:44

Before i agree, what are the rules? Do I have to wear it from beginning to end? (my last labour was 3 days so i doubt i'd manage it without smashing it). When you say pictures, do you mean the after pics or does there need to be during pics? (i may smash a camera if it's pointed at me during). (there may be quite a lot of smashing involved in general basically)

ZingSweetApple · 24/01/2014 22:08

Just make sure you have a photo taken - the rest is up to you and your imagination! Wink

OP posts:
ZingSweetApple · 24/01/2014 22:09

I think before is better. you can't get away!Grin

OP posts:
SaggyOldClothCatPuss · 24/01/2014 22:21

What about before and after. On arrival and then with the new arrival? I cant wait! Ive got consultant led care on the labour ward so I think a little humour will be great! Grin

MrsKoala · 24/01/2014 22:33

i may make a small tiara for the baby and get DH to wear his too. Then we can have a family shot together. I'm sure the midwife wont think we're strange at all.

ZingSweetApple · 24/01/2014 22:51

a baby tiara! bloody genius!Grin

I've been thinking what if I did it as a dare, for charity?
could get people to sponsor me (a pond would do) and raise money for my hospital's neonatal unit.

I'd benefit too - much better topic than all the stupid comments I normally get! Smile

OP posts:
SaggyOldClothCatPuss · 24/01/2014 22:55

That's a lovely idea. Smile

ZingSweetApple · 24/01/2014 23:05


but of course I meant a pound would do.

I don't think the ICU needs dozens of ponds! Grin

OP posts:
SaggyOldClothCatPuss · 24/01/2014 23:27

Could we do this through the Just Giving website? is that the one I'm thinking of?

OwlinaTree · 25/01/2014 05:47

I'm loving sponsored tiara wearing!!

Spirael · 25/01/2014 09:29

Amused by the idea of this, I could be persuaded to join in! Especially if a charity format could be organised.

Could I be Mrs. May? I'm way beyond being a Miss. Wink Having a home water birth hopefully... For a bit of setting variety!

elliejjtiny · 25/01/2014 13:54

Love the sponsorship idea.

elliejjtiny · 25/01/2014 14:40

Just had a look and my local neonatal unit isn't on just giving so I'll be raising money for the local special needs playgroup.

Panzee · 25/01/2014 14:41

I wish I'd seen this thread a year ago! Is have loved to wear a tiara in theatre. :o

Littlebean13 · 25/01/2014 14:42

Love the idea of doing this for charity I'm defiantly in!

ZingSweetApple · 25/01/2014 19:59


how about Madame May? Grin

OP posts:
Spirael · 25/01/2014 23:04

Madame May could work, or Lady May might be acceptable too. Grin

ZingSweetApple · 25/01/2014 23:19

Madame is kinkier!Grin

OP posts:
PotatoPolly · 25/01/2014 23:29

I would love to join the club please! EDD 18th May Smile


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LastOneDancing · 24/03/2014 12:18

Bumping this zombie thread to find out if tiara club ever got off the ground?! Grin

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