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List of essentials. What do I *really* need?

61 replies

bymoonlight · 09/09/2013 09:34

This is what I think I really need. I am ignoring the Mothercare checklist!

Have I missed anything:

Car seat
Moses basket/crib/cot + mattress
baby wipes
14 newborn babygros
Lots of 0-3 babygros
Nipple cream (which is the best one?)
Baby monitor (is this essential?)
Nice blankets
Warm hat (winter baby)
scratch mittens

What am I missing?

OP posts:
HazleNutt · 10/09/2013 15:12

or instead of dimmer switches, can get a night light. I use those salt lamps both in the bedroom and hallway, just enough light for feeding and changes.

HomeIsWhereTheHeartIs · 09/09/2013 19:23

The arnica tablets I got had instructions to take them about 6 times per day ( which I obviously kept forgetting to do ) I didn't know it came in a cream - I would go for that next time.

MrsHoratioNelson · 09/09/2013 18:38

Re arnica, what's the best form - tablets or cream?

Fairypants · 09/09/2013 18:21

I actually had slightly less sleep suits and a couple of nighties. They were fab for newborn when they would poo at every feed so need changing in the night when I was not in a fit state to do up tonns of poppers!

GandalfsPointyHat · 09/09/2013 18:20

I didn't read the thread past pg 1 (sorry) but I can highly revommend having dimmer switches fixed to your bedroom lighting. I co-slept with both mine, with DS2 i moved into another room ad just left in on all night on its lowest setting, also great gor checking while they sleep, handy for midnight nappy changes, feeding etc.

FastWindow · 09/09/2013 18:13

Jesus, fybogel it really, really works.

TarkaTheOtter · 09/09/2013 17:43

My daughter was 7lbs and newborn swamped her. She wa in them for ages despite quickly going up to 75th centile. I think it really depends on the shape of the baby.

A box of nappy stuff and mat on each floor of your house. Doesn't have to be a fancy mat, I got a few free with various baby clubs and those work fine. Saves you going upstairs.

If its your first and your partner has pat leave you won't find the first two weeks that stressful. They often sleep loads in the first few days (although only shortish stretches) so you'll have lots of time to give dp jobs whilst you recover. The only bit I found difficult was feeding so it's worth collecting the contact details of a few support avenues (friends who've bf/NCT helpline/lll/local support groups etc).

HomeIsWhereTheHeartIs · 09/09/2013 17:07

I wouldn't bother with scratch mitts - just get those baby grows with scratch mitts built into the sleeves. All of Nexts baby grows are like this. Lansinoh is the best nipple cream and lasts for ages - bfing a 3 mo and I haven't finished my 2nd tube yet.
You will need some kind of washing powder - I use vanish Oxi-action extra hygiene - to get the stains out of clothes when nappies leak.
Buy some choc/cereal bars to keep by your bed for night feeds.
Maybe get some infacol or gripe water too just in case.
And definitely sleeping bags not blankets - easier to feed and then put your baby straight down without disturbing them with blankets. Although you will need blankets for when you take baby outside.
I have one changing mat upstairs, and one downstairs too, along with a little basket of nappies, wipes etc.
Good luck with everything! (And you can always get DH to pop to the shops in the first few days if you've forgotten anything!)

chickieno1 · 09/09/2013 16:28

Hv went up to room when ds was born in 2010. He was asleep at the time though. She then gave out to me that he was swaddled. He was wearing jut a vest underneath though and not swaddled very tightly. Continued to swaddle until he fit in sleeping bag.

I would suggest keeping tags on any clothes you're given as presents. Ds grew really fast and never got to wear some things. If tags still on then you can exchange for bigger size. 3-6 months a good size to get.

Olive oil good for everything! Bath, scalp, bum after nappy change, massage and even my dry hands and nails.

HeffalumpTheFlump · 09/09/2013 15:48

I think it's really quite intrusive tbh. I wouldn't like it. If they want to know where my baby is sleeping I will tell them, but I'm not keen on having them snoop around my bedroom.

sameoldIggi · 09/09/2013 15:37

You don't have to let midwives (or hvs) look round your bedroom. If it's helpful to you, then by all means let them. I hope they will also be advising anyone with a cot set up in a separate room about cot death, not just the co-sleepers.

elQuintoConyo · 09/09/2013 14:19

DS was a winter baby.
He was in grobags from the start, last winter and he has some for this winter (he'll be 2) that my DSis used and passed on, but I don't know if they'll be any good this year with DS walking...? I may just cut foot holes in them!
Didn't bother with room thermometre. Had a bath thermometre, used it twice, used our elbow after that.
Neve bought a muslin.
Used cotton wool and water whenever DS had EBD ( exploding bum disease, ie diaorrhea), but wipes the rest of the time as he'd wiggle and kick the water over and it, and poo, would go everywhere. Never had a rash.
Didn't buy a baby monitor. We lived in a small two bed flat, moved into a house when DS was 9mo and still don't think we need one.
You might find you are still wearing your maternity clothes for a while which is good for cs tummy as trousers are high-waisted and soft.


HeffalumpTheFlump · 09/09/2013 14:07

I think it's because some people don't get anything for their baby to sleep in and so the midwife/hv will need to advise re co sleeping and cot death.

Somethingpink · 09/09/2013 13:20

I was told its a new policy and its the midwives that do this.stupid really I don't know what they have found in someone's house for them to need to check all babies sleeping arrangements Confused

Maybe some people are still using a drawer?

sameoldIggi · 09/09/2013 12:45

HV never been anywhere except my living room.

sameoldIggi · 09/09/2013 12:45

It's worth getting a tube of Lansinoh in, if you do need it you will need it NOW and probably in the middle of the night! Can be good to prevent cracks, do t wait till it gets really sore (if this happens)

TSSDNCOP · 09/09/2013 12:43

Pack of cheap, large, black cotton knickers. Be prepared to throw the first few away.

Olive oil. It was without doubt the best thing for baby skin and cradle cap.

MostlyLovingLurchers · 09/09/2013 12:38

After all that I forgot to add that we just used water and cotton wool for cleaning until about 6 months and then switched to sensitive wipes. Also yes to sun shades for car - we didn't think we'd need those in the winter but as others have said, you really do. And yes to savoy cabbage. Have to say arnica didn't do anything to help me.

bymoonlight · 09/09/2013 12:37

They go upstairs?

OP posts:
sameoldIggi · 09/09/2013 12:36

No reason why baby should overheat in a global if you have a thermometer in the room and have adjusted their clothes accordingly. No chance of blankets over the head with a gro bag.

Somethingpink · 09/09/2013 12:33

I saw a midwife yesterday and I questioned what I would need ad I know a lot has changed since I had my other 2dc.

Just blankets..they don't agree with swaddling or gro bags any more due to babies overheating.

They said they also go upstairs and check your baby's sleeping arrangements on their first visit now.

And they advise on no dummies although if u want to use them fair enough.

This was all that had changed so your list sounds on the right tracks.

MostlyLovingLurchers · 09/09/2013 12:32

Here's an edited version of a list i did for friend recently. Obviously our situation may be different to yours (though also had a winter baby).

Crib upstairs and Something to sleep in downstairs ? we used a travel cot with bassinet. Could also use a moses basket or carry cot but I thought the travel cot was better value as you can carry on using it ? as a travel cot (duh!) and as a play pen. We also used a small pop up travel cot which was great for staying away from home and camping.

Bedding. I found sheets and cellular blankets were best for the first few months as they give you more flexible temperature control, but after that grobags are definitely the way to go ? you can get them in them ready for bed and put them straight down, and they can?t kick them off.

Didn't find we needed a monitor until a few months on as ds was generally on or near me constantly.

We didn't have one but you may want a changing table if having a cs so you don't have to bend.

Changing bag. We just used an old tote bag that doubles up as my handbag. In said bag we have the following:
? Nappies
? Changing mat (portable, washable plus spare)
? Barrier cream (highly recommend Neal?s Yard Baby Barrier Cream ? it?s expensive but lasts ages and is really good)
? Bags for disposal ? we just use cheap supermarket nappy bags (or put them straight in the outside bin if at home).
? Hand sanitiser ? for al fresco nappy changes where no handwashing is available.


You only need a baby bath if (like us at the time) you don?t have a bath. Otherwise maybe some kind of support for a big bath.

Baby towels aren?t necessary but nice. You really don?t need any toiletries unless you really want them ? I just used a bit of olive oil for baby massage. For fingernails I just used my teeth!

Car seat and baby carrier or sling. This was invaluable just for doing stuff around the house and was much less hassle for going out than a pushchair - we live in the middle of nowhere though and a pram would have been useless for us. Re pram/pushchair I would say that unless you have masses of storage space get something that folds up fairly small.

If you are bf all you need is breast pads, some nipple cream (big thumbs up for lansinoh), a good feeding cushion, and maybe a pump - wait and see what you need though (shops will still be open!) - I preferred a manual pump, but didn't need one for a few months. Muslins.

Other stuff:

Clothes. All you need is vests, sleepsuits (preferably with scratch mitts built in), cardies/jackets, hats and a pramsuit or snowsuit. Outfits are cute put are a pain to put on and keep on, and you will be changing clothes several times a day. Also, most of their time is spent sleeping so it easier if they are already dressed for it. Shoes are frankly bonkers at this stage. Just go for basics and a few nice things for showing him off in ? I was horrified how many things we had went totally unworn.

Other stuff like bouncy chair, baby gym were really good, but you won't need them straight away.

Sorry if a bit long winded!


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HazleNutt · 09/09/2013 11:58

DS is 10 weeks now.
Nappies and clothes - don't buy too many, as you won't know what size the baby is. DS managed to grow out of most of his newborn and 0-3 clothes before he got to wear them.

Personally I haven't needed room thermometer, I can feel when I walk into a room if it's too hot or cold. Same with bath thermometer.

I'm sure we'll use baby monitor later when he goes to his own room, but at the moment he sleeps with us, and in the living room for his daytime naps, so no need.

I did not need that many muslins and maternity pads, but that depends. Never bothered with cotton wool, went straight to sensitive baby wipes, DS never had any problems with rash.

In general, as someone said, unless you live in the middle of nowhere so nobody delivers, don't stock up too much, there's plenty of time to buy what you need later.

You also need nursing bras - go for a stretchy one until you know how big you'll get and then invest into some proper ones. Underwired ones are fine, as long as they fit properly. Don't let Mothercare or M&S fit you though.

KatAndKit · 09/09/2013 11:47

Only if it warm enough for you to be wearing shorts. If not then the baby needs a babygro or trousers and a top over the bodysuit. Short sleeve bodysuit plus babygro plus cardigan if needed is the easiest and most practical way to dress a very young baby

YoniMitchell · 09/09/2013 11:14

Question - do you need to put bottoms on with bodysuits (the vest things)? Or can baby just stay in them, if it's warm enough?

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