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Homerton Hospital full? and problems Plus questions re Whipps Cross

24 replies

babba2014 · 22/08/2013 16:35


Please move this topic if this in the wrong section.

I live closer to Whipps (all my life) but I was given a choice of Whipps or Homerton at my antenatal appointment at the docs. I have read up on both hospitals a lot and I went for Homerton.

I'm nearly 10 weeks and thought I would call Homerton to ask if they had a date for my 12 week scan. They had nothing on the system at all meaning they said they didn't get my letter from the gp.

In a way I started to think maybe it was for the better because I didn't like the tone of voice the lady was speaking to me in. She said to me my GP isn't within the catchment area so they won't take me. I told her I was given a choice so that's why I am ringing. She then said they're full so they can't take me.

I rang my GP and they tried to ask Homerton to take me. My GP rang me saying they tried but Homerton said they haven't been taking anyone for the last 3 or 4 months.
If that was the case, wouldn't my GP have known and not offered me a choice?
Also, how does it get fully booked so far in advance when people in the very later months wouldn't have not even been pregnant then? I'm a little confused about that.

I ended up calling Whipps Cross. I've been to Whipss Cross a lot in my younger years but to other areas as people I know had been in hospital so of course I grew up with Whipps Cross. But I do not feel positive about their maternity section.

I know newspapers come out with all sorts but a few weeks ago a report was published showing how bad the maternity section is and how the hygiene was very poor (something I feel strong about) and how midwifes/nurses ignored mothers and one even gave the wrong formula. I know this is just a report but even way before this I wasn't feeling positive about Whipps Cross.

Also I know of someone who a year ago got to choose her hospital but chose one much further away. Have things really changed in London now so only local people can go?

I'm open to everything so hopefully you can help me but I am a young mother to be hopefully and to be honest I want to be really comfortable. I remember Whipps maternity ward from relatives but this was years ago and I feel a little let down with being told no without them even contacting me.

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babba2014 · 22/08/2013 18:54

That's great to hear.

I'm not sure how they can be fully booked from 3-4 months before though.

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LauraChant · 22/08/2013 18:45

The birth was great. Both times. It was the before that wasn't good.

babba2014 · 22/08/2013 17:54

Thank you for your replies everyone.

LauraChant - You found them rude and dismissive, how was the actual birth?

I probably won't go Newham as it is a little out the way and I guess I'm not too fond of giving birth there. If anyone has info on North Middlesex please post on my other thread.

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LoreleisSecret · 22/08/2013 17:47

I would avoid whipps cross too if possible, my best friend had my godson there and i thought the staff were rude, the wards were dirty and the hospital was very run down!

Newham have just updated their maternity unit and i had a wonderful experience there with DS2. The staff were attentive & helpful, the room i was in felt more like butlins and i couldn't speak more highly of them!

I had DS1 also in Newham (before the renovations) and found the ward staff awful but the delivery staff fantastic.

Good luck with your birth Smile

PennieLane · 22/08/2013 17:45

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

thecherryontop · 22/08/2013 17:37

I'm currently attending whipps cross ( im 25 wks) and the only downside I've seen so far is that it's very very busy -I think partly due to redbridge losing their maternity depts. I've been quite ill and had to attend the maternity triage on 3 occasions and be admitted once so far -I am really scared of hospitals but can honestly say each time I've been attended by a midwife I thought " I hope they are with me when I deliver" -the midwives are lovely, helpful and extremely professional and completely put you at ease. I read the articles on whipps cross and was really shocked -if I hadn't had such positive experiences so far I would def be thinking twice about it but as it is I'm happy staying with them. I had chosen them over Newham. I also think/hope that like schools (I'm a teacher) once they've had a poor inspection they will really be upping their game to try to improve.

LauraChant · 22/08/2013 17:30

I had both my boys at Homerton and the same thing happened to me, I can't remember if it was DS1 five years ago or DS2 three years ago. I waited ages for my booking in appt, and scan - the hospital said the GP hadn't sent the info, the GP said they had, it transpired the hospital had a massive backlog and hadnt got to me. They were rude and dismissive too.

southmummy2011 · 22/08/2013 17:26

I had An elective c sec at Whipps 2 years ago and couldn't fault the care we got, I had to go in a few times during my pregnancy for complications and care was great! Pre c sec meeting were really reassuring - had a private room and like I say couldn't fault it. Ds was rushed back in at 4 days old and again a and e and children's ward were fab felt very looked after! :)

babba2014 · 22/08/2013 17:25

If the staff care isn't so great at Chase Farm then that is worrying as they are moving to my next choice... North Middlesex. Lol!

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babba2014 · 22/08/2013 17:24

I didn't know that about Chase Farm, which is okay as I guess I can go to the next nearest. Homerton isn't an option as they say so I can't consider it.
I need to look into North London more but I am busy with work so I'm not sure they will like me jumping from hospital to hospital and if my schedule will allow me to look around so much.

I've been to Whipps loads since I grew up here. Maybe not recently but I think I have made my mind up about not going there either.

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MissHC · 22/08/2013 17:24

By the way the Homerton have a self referral form too on their website. If you really want to give birth there maybe try it that way? That's what I did for my hospital and got a letter for booking appt a week or so later.

blueberryupsidedown · 22/08/2013 17:20

I had DS there 6 years ago and they were miles ahead of Newham General which was absolutely awful. But that's not much of a benchmark...

My experience at Whipps was not great, but compared to Newham Gen it was a walk in the park. I was high risk throughout pregnancy and received good medical care. Have you thought about visiting before making up your mind?

The rooms are small, old, but the staff was professional and kind.

Locally Homerton has a much better reputation, they have a more 'midwife-led' approach. I am not sure what to suggest but Whipps is not that bad really.

MissHC · 22/08/2013 17:17

Chase Farm Maternity Services seem to be closing in November so that's probably not an option for you.

See here

babba2014 · 22/08/2013 17:14

That doesn't so good. I know at least 6 people born there and all seemed okay lol.

I think I should go for the other then but I need reviews on them too.

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Boosiehs · 22/08/2013 17:12

Only have a general experience there (not maternity) but Avoid!!!

It's hideous. Really really old, demountable ward blocks, I've had lots of family I'm there and nothing good to say about it at all.

My granddad was in there and drugged up to the eyeballs all the time so they didn't have to deal with him.

All the wards I've seen are disgusting, and even the private bit forgot to feed my dad!

babba2014 · 22/08/2013 17:06

Okay update. The hospital is actually Chase Farm.

Do people have an opinion on this?

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babba2014 · 22/08/2013 16:57

I called North Middlesex and they said the same thing. You can choose where you want to go.

Homerton are saying they are full for the last few months anyway so wither way they are refusing to take me or anyone, unless they're only taking locals and missing that point out to my GP.

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MissHC · 22/08/2013 16:56

Can't you self-refer? I did that, although for Watford General where they have a form on the website to do so.

As far as I know you have the RIGHT to choose which hospital you want on the NHS - see here.

babba2014 · 22/08/2013 16:51

Found North Middlesex. If anyone has been there - is it the one that has a big pink delivery room?

Canary Wharf will be too far in case I need to get there quick but it sounds really good.

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LalyRawr · 22/08/2013 16:49

Just checked and saw this on Barkantine website:

"The Barkantine is a freestanding, NHS, midwife led birth centre located on the isle of dogs. We support low risk women to birth naturally in a home from home environment. We do not have a catchment area meaning that we can accept women from any area as long as they are happy to travel to us in labour!!"

They are in Docklands/Canary Wharf way. I really and truly could not recommend them enough. I've paid for hotels which were not as nice as these rooms!

If it isn't too far maybe you can try there?

babba2014 · 22/08/2013 16:48

No North Middlesex isn't too far. I think my friend went there but I don't want to ask yet. Funny I was born in Whipps but I don't want to give birth there.
What's the hospital called please?

OP posts:
Boosiehs · 22/08/2013 16:46

Is north Middlesex too far? I've also heard bad things about Whipps Cross.


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babba2014 · 22/08/2013 16:44

I'm in E17 so literally down the road from Whipps.

So you are confirming that the report is true? Your friend must have seen it all.

I told my GP about it and she (receptionist) although nice, said to me reports come out everywhere but she understands. I really don't want to go there. :(

OP posts:
LalyRawr · 22/08/2013 16:41

Where abouts are you?

Are you in the catchment of the Royal London? Or the Barkantine Clinic?

I was in both (had to be transferred) and couldn't fault either of them.

I'm in E3 and was given the choice of the London, Homerton and Barkentine.

I don't want to scare you but my best friend trained to be a midwife in Whipps. She graduated last year and that report was exactly the same as things she had been telling me for the three years of her course.

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