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12 replies

OHBOY · 09/02/2004 17:23

I am 13 weeks pregnant and I have numbness in my right hand which actually sends pain to my wrist. My hand doesn?t go numb when it?s not in motion I feel it the most when I am typing or blow-drying my hair and even brushing my teeth. The most pain is at night that it wakes me up. Does anyone have any info on this one?

OP posts:
OHBOY · 11/02/2004 17:19

thanks all for the info. i have a doc. appointment today so we'll see what happens with that. with all the info i have been getting and all the research i have been doing it def. sounds like carpal tunnel. what sucks about it the most is that i am only 13 weeks. i heard of women getting this later on in the pregnancy. the worst part about it is that i am on the computer all day and i have to stop every 10 min because my hands go numb. its just very very frustrating. but THANKS AGAIN ALL.

OP posts:
SofiaAmes · 09/02/2004 23:27

I had it so badly that it would wake me up several times a night and I had major pain screaming cramps in my legs during both my pregnancies. Yoga helped quite a bit. And the good news is that they go away almost immediately after giving birth.

Lesley76 · 09/02/2004 19:20

I'm 30 weeks preg and have been having a lot of pain in hands & wrists which was diagnosed as carpal tunnel. It was keeping me awake at night and so bad I could hardly write or pick up a glass of wine sorry I mean cup of herbal tea!!!

I got the wrist supports at the hospital& after just a few hours of wearing them I had much less pain. They are quite awkward though so you maybe wouldn't want to bother with them if the numbness is occasional or just annoying. But I had quite a bit of pain and a lot of loss of function.

ponygirl · 09/02/2004 18:23

Ohboy, I had carpal tunnel all three times. I think it's due to the increased blood flow. I know it sounds ridiculous, but try and sleep with your wrists and forearms propped straight: bending at the wrists blocks the blood flow and then you get the pins and needles. Some people have splints: my m/w said they didn't help, but I would have thought they'd keep your wrists straight. Don't know about an injection though, wasn't offered that! It came and went throughout the pregnancies, but on the plus side, it cleared up immediately after birth!

suzywong · 09/02/2004 18:20

I had this with both my PGs. It is really unnerving isn't it, but mine disappeared as soon as dropped the sprogs.

Thomcat · 09/02/2004 17:41

Hi Ohboy - I had Carpal Tunnel. It started waking me up really early and I couldn't get back to sleep, I went to the GP who gave me a steroid injection in my wrist and it sorted it out. I was pregnant and the injection was harmless to the baby.

elena2 · 09/02/2004 17:32

Here it is

CountessDracula · 09/02/2004 17:30

Could this be Carpal Tunnel syndrome?

Info here

dinosaur · 09/02/2004 17:30

That's it - Carpal Tunnel Syndrome!

charlieplus3 · 09/02/2004 17:30

No info sorry but, i did get that too and alot of pins and needles. Was scarey with first pregnancy as never experienced before but was fine with it second time around

dinosaur · 09/02/2004 17:30

This rings a bell as I remember having sore hands when I was pg with DS1. But I can't for the life of me remember the medical name for it, or any more details. Hopefully someone else will be able to help.

elena2 · 09/02/2004 17:29

Sounds like Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, which I've read is pretty common in pregnancy. I'll see if I can find anything on it.

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