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Anyone survived a Xmas birth?

48 replies

PetiteMum · 22/06/2013 19:50

So I'm due on boxing Day and really nervous about the whole thing as I'm convinced there will be less staff and decent medics will all be on holiday......... Am I being irrational with this fear?

OP posts:
SantanaLopez · 22/06/2013 21:38

Completely irrational! I'd be more worried about September! Good luck.

SlippersAndPipe · 22/06/2013 21:40


Dc born late evening of 31 Dec, and ended in ECS. Still believe this was due to incompetent checking by staff just before signing off for their NY eve celebration.

PetiteMum · 22/06/2013 22:10

Hmmmm thanks for the replies, nice to hear so many positive stories! Ds1 was born 3 days late so am praying for similar, and a quick birth! According to DH The next one ought to ' slide out like sphagetti...'. Hmm

OP posts:
beckie90 · 22/06/2013 22:23

I was took in on the 19th for induction it was 08 so that date was mad Friday, they didn't set me off till the 20th as there wasn't many staff on and labour was very busy. The day I had him the midwife wasn't 1 to 1 cause there still was a short of staff, however I had complications on delivery and all the staff was there in a flash that needed to be, so there really was no issue. I came out Christmas eve

MrsLianeB · 23/06/2013 07:40

Not xmas but an August baby due and I'm worried about bank holiday weekends!
May ask for induction at 41 weeks if not dropped just to not have the worry!

MurtleTheTurtle · 23/06/2013 07:57

I was in and out of hospital all over Christmas last year as ds2 was soooo overdue. The top consultant himself worked Xmas day, it was really busy and there were loads of staff.

Neverdonethisbefore · 23/06/2013 08:30

I'm due on Boxing Day too but DD was 8 weeks early so not sure I'll ever reach that date!

Dusty04 · 23/06/2013 09:50

petitemum I'm due Boxing Day too and have been thinking about this! Also what happens if I don't deliver on my due date and my surgery is closed, where do I see my midwife?! As DH tells me this will happen year in year out and im not the first!

LadyFlumpalot · 23/06/2013 10:23

DS was born on Xmas Day. Slap bang in the middle at 3:16pm.

I had to have an ambulance to hospital as I was trying a home birth but it went a bit pear shaped. Roads were nice and quiet!

There were hardly any patients in, but loads of staff. As far as I remember I was well cared for and it was quite nice seeing all the families come in to spend Xmas with their loved ones in the after labour ward.

mycatlikestwiglets · 23/06/2013 10:24

DS was born on Boxing Day - 10 days late - and it was heaving. When I got to the hospital early on Xmas Day there wasn't actually a room available for me so I was initially left in a waiting room, having continuous agonising back to back contractions, with some random men who were clearly waiting for their partners. My care was very patchy - was left alone a lot, including during the pushing stage - and had 4 different midwives attending to me. The aftercare was also pretty bad and resulted in me needing surgery a week later because my episiotomy stitches hadn't been done properly and weren't checked while I was in hospital post-delivery.

Saying all that, I don't think it was a Christmas issue so much as a lots of women giving birth at the same time issue - it could happen any time of year. Chances are that those of you due at Christmas won't actually give birth on your due dates too.

PetiteMum · 23/06/2013 10:55

Dusty, I hadn't even thought of that! I suppose there's not much we can do except sit tight and hope for the best....

OP posts:
lucybrad · 23/06/2013 17:00

I was elcs on 23rd dec. 23rd was busy but the place was like a ghost town on 24th and 25th (on the ward anyway) not sure about delivery suite. No probs though - fair few staff about. Im sure they myst have minimum staffing levels.

ladythatlunches · 23/06/2013 21:00

I had a elc on 21st december and made it home.xmas eve.

It was short staffed and very busy but all good :)

smellsofsick · 23/06/2013 21:04

Two DCs born 18 and 21 Dec. Hospital side of things was fine but what I did notice was that because loads of people were off work, we got inundated with visitors! I'd just make sure you make your wishes known to DH/DP before hand.

SisterMatic · 23/06/2013 21:05

I had an obstetric emergency on the 27th and needed a crash section and a lot of 1-2-1 after-care.

Staffing was no problem. If you need a dr, one will come flying through the door.
Dont worry, relax and I hope you have a smooth delivery. I dont mean to worry anyone by what I have written, it is very rare..just wanted to reassure if the shit hits the fan they can and do deal with it even over xmas.

PMMummy · 23/06/2013 21:11

DD2 is a New Years Eve baby and one major advantage I can think of is being discharged on New Years Day - no bounty ladies, no tempest crappy photographers, no fuss whatsoever. Marvellous Grin

ansqui31 · 04/07/2013 11:27

I work as a matron in the NHS and I can reassure you that we always have a full compliment of staff on whatever day of the year. Midwives will be the normal staff, very unlikely to be agency except in cases of new sickness (but staff are usually terrified of ringing in on a BHol unless very sick!) as they are far too expensive on bank holidays! The medics will work on the usual reduced numbers we work on at weekends and nights. If there are an influx of patients we always call in senior colleagues who are on call to assist.

I'm pretty certain inductions and elective c-sections won't be occurring over the bank holidays so the midwives should be able to give excellent care.

I'm due NYE and although i'm sure i'll be late I would probably prefer it to happen over the NY period where the unit should be a bit more relaxed.

Oh and for those that think staff get double time on a bank holiday... we wish!! We get the same as we do on a Sunday so nothing that exciting!

Hope this helps a little :)

Willemdefoeismine · 04/07/2013 11:35

It depends what type of hospital you will be giving birth in. My experience is of teaching hospitals.

Had DC1 at the same time of the year as you are due and although I didn't
Have a Caesarian Section, I had a difficult and long labour, culminating in ventouse delivery in an operating theatre in the middle of the night. Although I did n't have a consultant president all staff involved were reassuring competent. There was certainly no suggestion ever that the relevant clinical expertise wasn't available and to hand.

Willemdefoeismine · 04/07/2013 11:37

Sorry present rather than president - the cursed predictive text strikes again...

zimbomaman · 04/07/2013 11:49

DC3 was due 26 Dec but put an appearance in 3 weeks early on the 6th. I remember being happy that she'd avoided a Christmas birthday but also remember being terribly upset Christmas Eve because I hadn't had time (what with a new born) to complete my shopping for the other two DC's stockings.

YBR DC2 was due on DC1's birthday and managed to time himself beautifully. Their August birthday is very much like Christmas morning.

ArabellaBeaumaris · 04/07/2013 11:53

In terms of staffing levels it's exactly the same as giving birth at the weekend or indeed at night. Don't worry!

Willemdefoeismine · 04/07/2013 14:37

PS Good luck and I would totally agree with ArabellaBeaumaris!

I was due to have DC1 a week before Christmas and waited two weeks for him to arrive! No faulting the labour ward care at all, although the post-natal ward was another matter Hmm....


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worldgonecrazy · 04/07/2013 14:46

DD wasn't Christmas, but just after. I second the advice about keeping an eye on the weather. The hospital kept me in because of heavy snow, rather than needing me to stay in.

Also, yes to outdoor clothing, but remember to take it off indoors. When we registered DD there were babies sweltering under layers and layers of clothing and blankets. I don't know if it is related to her time of birth, but DD doesn't need a lot of clothes to keep warm. The rule is supposed to be whatever you're wearing plus one layer. DD was always happier with one layer less.

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