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two pregnancies close together

33 replies

sweetninnocent · 15/06/2013 18:01

My DS is 6 months old and I've just found out I'm pregnant again!:) has anyone else had two babies so close together?

OP posts:
mamachelle · 18/06/2013 19:31

tinwe- omg, you have just taken me down memory lane! i remember having to remove the rocking horse, play table and anything else that enabled dd1 to climb in the cot with dd2 or to drag her out! we put the cot into a bed in the end to avoid any accidents!

when they were 1and 2yrs and 2 and 3yrs were definitely the most um, entertaining! cupboard climbing, emptying of cupboards, they even phoned the police and told them i was crying! had to explain to the police men that i was going 4 a wee when they were playing with the phone. mortified didnt cover it.

totally agree with the housework in the evenings. the only times in the day they were still was meal times.

oh, im all sentimental now! i miss my little mischief makers. They are big, independant people now.

i think when they are only a year apart, ages 3 and 4 seems to be the start of the gap closing and everyday thereafter, they like and can do the same things, have the friends etc.

BethAndHerBrood · 18/06/2013 18:44

I must agree with the poster who said the hardest thing is being heavily pregnant with a very small child already. There are 12 months 3 weeks between my eldest two, and the last six weeks of pregnancy no2 were really hard. Especially as ds1 was a nightmare baby!

And i missed his first steps Sad i was hospitalized for about ten days before having dd, one day at visiting time he was crawling. The next day he ran down the ward to me. [sob]

You'd think after 15 years i'd be over it. Apparently not!

weebleswillwobble · 18/06/2013 18:28

Got a 3.5 year old and 2.5 year old here - 15 month age gap, it's fab! I found the first year not too bad at all to be honest - as long as your military about organisation.

Now that they are running in opposite directions its a little trickier, but I imagine once the youngest has a bit more impulse control it'll get easier!


Writerwannabe83 · 18/06/2013 18:19

There is 1 year and 3 weeks between me and my sister and we absolutely loved growing up together. We had the same friends, did everything together and went through all the 'milestones' together. It was brilliant.

I look back on my childhood and have nothing but good memories of me and my sister sharing everything and growing together.

It has always been my plan to do exactly the same and have 2 babies close together. I really think the long term positives outweigh any negatives

X x

Feelslikea1sttimer · 18/06/2013 17:54

I have 17 months between my boys, they are now 13 and 14 and they are the best of friends and spend most of their time together and share mates...

I am pregnant with DC3 (although there is DSS aged 7 in between) so we'll see how that age gap goes...

Good Luck, it is amazing watching them grow together

grassalwayslooksgreener · 18/06/2013 17:49

Hi, I've got a 7mo dd and I'm around 11 weeks preg. Got a scan in 2 weeks so will find out for definite how many weeks I am :)

sweetninnocent · 18/06/2013 12:46

Wow thanks everyone! I find out next week when my due date is but Im roughly guessing it's gonna be mid Feb! Now I'm over the initial shock we are really excited! I'm so glad uve all had positive experiences! We know it's going to be hard work but we always wanted a big family so we just started a little earlier than planned!:) thank you all for all your kind words of support!:)

OP posts:
geeandfeesmum · 17/06/2013 11:19

My DD was 3 weeks old at DS's first birthday party!! It was hard at first, but looking back I am glad it happened that way.

It was harder being 8/9 months pregnant whilst looking after a baby than when they were both here, if that makes sense.

I will warn you though, DS completely ignored DD for the first year. He even stepped on her if she was on a playmat on the floor, like she wasn't there at all.

Now however, they are 5 & 6 and very, very close.


Branleuse · 17/06/2013 09:47

theres 11.5 months between ds2 and dd.

It was tough, especially late pregnancy with a baby already, but theyre 5 and 6 now and the best of friends.

ruledbyheart · 17/06/2013 09:38

There's 10.5 months between my two boys it was tough at first as they both needed so much attention and there wasn't enough hours in the day then 18mths later I had my little girl, that wasn't too bad as both my boys were walking and eating/drinking on their own and would entertain each other whilst I fed the baby.

Tinwe · 16/06/2013 21:37

Mamachelle! Snap, 12 months 5 days between my DD1 and DD2!
Would have been under the year but DD2 was very overdue.

I'm still in the "finding it hard" phase (they're 2 and 1) but I've got nothing to compare it to as they are my only DCs. DH is coping amazingly but finding it extra hard having to "worry about 2 other peoples bodies" as well as his own (they're both at the eat anything and bang into/climb anything stage). We wouldn't change it for the world though.

Advantages I have noticed- nappy/bottles/poor sleep phase over with almost at the same time, same toys/tv shows and interests on days out, same "toddler food/snacks phase, share clothes, same friends, same sleep times so we get a rest midday, very close and loving towards each other overall (never been a day apart since DD2 was born).
Disadvantages (other than the obvious) - DD1 isn't old enough to do things independently while dealing with DD2 (eg put shoes on, climb into car seat etc), hard to teach DD how to be safe around DD2 (ie don't climb in her cot and belly flop on her), both seem to get ill lots as they're both building their immune system at the same time (and one crawled and sucks her thumb), child care costs are v expensive for 2 babies at the same time and family aren't keen to have them lots as they're a handful, every waking moment is spent minding them both so any housework has to be done at night and there's a lot of housework with 2 v small ones

Basically it's brilliant and getting better every day but be prepared to not stop from 7am until 9.30 at night for several months. Grin

mamachelle · 16/06/2013 21:04

we have 12 months (and 5 days :)) between dds 1 and 2. I found it to be easier with a small gap than i do with the 3yr gap between dds 2 and 3.

They are also the best of friends and partners in crime.

valiumredhead · 16/06/2013 20:46

My sil was pregnant again after 2 months, totally plannedSmile

Atomiksnowflake · 16/06/2013 20:43

there are 50 weeks between my Dc.


talsi · 16/06/2013 20:38

12 month gap between my first two, it took us a long time to conceive first time round and then happened straight away.... It was hard work at times, but not nearly as hard as having my third two years after second as he was a v. Difficult baby and is now a difficult nearly three year old...

Nishky · 16/06/2013 12:27

Not me, but I have two friends, one who had 3 under 3 (although only for a week!!!) and another who had 3 under 5- both said it was best way to do it!


( not suggesting you have another straight after this - just coincidence they both had three!!!

Boop33 · 16/06/2013 12:24

hey ! very similar DD is 7 months and I am currently about 11 weeks pregnant ! was a shock a first and we hadn't planned it that way but now we have got our heads round it and all the positive responses we are very happy :-) i think it will be a good age gap ! Do you know when you are due sweetninnocent ?

MooMa42o · 16/06/2013 10:47

Congratulations! I have 11 months between my two, & i am not going to lie there were some really hard times but overall it has been lovely, they are very close & hopefully always will be, You are doing it anyway so might as well do it twice! And on the plus side they are going to be in the same academic year :) It was not planned but i would not change it for anything, be prepared to be asked a lot if they are twins, every new person we meet asks if they are twins, then you get the mental maths & they realise how quickly you must have had sex after giving birth...Good luck & ask for help if you need it, try & rest as much as you can, your body will not have had a chance to recover from the first pregnancy, Enjoy it! :)

NandH · 16/06/2013 10:40

I have a 22month age gap between dd and ds. Planned! I love it, ds is 4months and dd helps out alot, nappy changes etc, kisses and cuddles him and rocks his bouncer for him :) small age gaps are lovely, hopefully they'll be close friends!

EleanorHandbasket · 16/06/2013 07:02

Yeah she is! I made her join mn to meet all you vipers...

amazingmumof6 · 16/06/2013 04:33

17 months between DS2 and DS3

congratulations! Smile

Pinkflipflop · 16/06/2013 03:39

Is the OP actually your little sister?!


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EleanorHandbasket · 15/06/2013 21:38

There are only 19mo between ds1 and dd and it was a doddle. Ds2 is seven years younger than dd and it was a real shock to the system.

You will be fine! And we're all here to help.

Love you, little sis xx

QuietOldLadyWhisperingHush · 15/06/2013 21:23

Sorry also wanted to add that you may want to consider some extra help for the first month or so. Mum, MIL, just someone to help out. I have a great MIL who was readily available, AND we also hired a postnatal doula who was fantastic. I would definitely recommend this option as those first few months are hard work...

nipersvest · 15/06/2013 21:18

there is just 10.5 months between me and one of my brothers, i was 6 weeks old when our mum was pg again! not planned, but as kids we got on really well and always played together.

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