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Best pregnancy exercise DVD?

3 replies

Madamecastafiore · 30/04/2013 19:57

Have just done the Erin O'Brien DVD and was a bit disappointed to be honest.

Thought it would be a bit more punishing.

I have the Suzanne Bowen one and wondered if this a bit more upbeat??

Of not which one should I buy? Is Davina any good?

I swim and the DVD was to replace the running which I struggle to fit in.

OP posts:
SeriousStuff · 01/05/2013 22:34

I'm doing the Tracy Anderson Pregnancy Project and really recommend it - has 9 DVDs, one routine for each month of your pregnancy. All very low impact but great for keeping arms, legs and bum as toned as possible!

Madamecastafiore · 01/05/2013 18:06

I won't buy davinas then!

What about carrying on with shredding, have done the 30 days a couple of times? Could probably do it without the abs bits do you think?

OP posts:
blacklightning · 01/05/2013 13:17

I found Davina's quite gentle and if you are doing a DVD to replace running I think it might disappoint you. My fitness level was ok but not as good as yours by the sounds of it and I found Davina's very easy up until about 30 weeks +, and even then it wasn't really a challenge. I enjoyed is as at least it kept me moving, but for cardio fitness I think a brisk walk would be as effective. From what I remember, the cardio in the DVD mainly consisted of marching on the spot. There were some push ups, lunges and squats, but not many reps and done quite slowly. The reviews on Amazon seem to indicate that people found it more useful in later pregnancy.

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