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Clary Sage - worried

4 replies

HannahLaRouge · 28/04/2013 17:01

Hi, I suffer from bad sciatica, and have used Radox Muscle Soak in a bath about three times this weeks to ease it, however it contains clary sage, which I've only just found out can cause contractions/miscarriage in early pregnancy - I'm 14 weeks. I last used it yesterday afternoon, and so far feel fine and nothing feels wrong, but it's got me worried. Any thoughts/advice? Thank you x

OP posts:
CrackleMauve · 28/04/2013 18:05

Used it constantly through pregnancy. There's really barely anything in Radox, if it had significant amounts of essential oils in it would have to warnings on the label. Mostly it's just blue bubbles.

HannahLaRouge · 28/04/2013 17:38

Thank you, that's made me feel better :) x

OP posts:
MoonHare · 28/04/2013 17:21

Well at 41 wks pregnant I spent all day taking big whiffs of clary sage to no avail whatsoever, DD3 did not appear until 41+5.

Don't worry about it.

MissLurkalot · 28/04/2013 17:11

I don't think that should be a problem. It will have other ingredients in it, and knowing the manufacturer, there'll be barely any clary sage present in it. I was given the essential oil of clary sage and put a fair few drops in the bath whilst in early labour last time.
Don't worry about it...
Also, I discovered Sweet Fennel herbal tea bags at around 16 weeks, and drank loads of it.. Until I realised it thins the cervix, whoops.
I panicked, but everything was fine.
Just don't use it anymore. X

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