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Gender predictor

11 replies

willoughboobs · 03/04/2013 15:49

Has anyone tried a gender test? If so was it correct?

OP posts:
Twinklestarstwinklestars · 03/04/2013 21:02

I went from a b to g cup with ds1 so breast growth theory wasn't right for me, done Chinese predictors are different I've done a couple and one said boy, one said girl.

Mamabear12 · 03/04/2013 21:00

Google the nub theory and gender. Quite interesting read. Basically every baby at 12 weeks has a little nub where the privates are. It's the angle of the dangle which tells you boy or girl. Pointing up is a boy and parallel girl. I predicted my first correctly using this method and two other friends! Make sure to get scanner to get a photo showing the nub during 12 week scan

DomesticCEO · 03/04/2013 18:22

Willough, if you want to know just find out at the scan Confused.

Abigail9580 · 03/04/2013 18:20

I read somewhere that what the mother "feels" they are having, in 70% of the cases is correct.

yellowsnownoteatwillyou · 03/04/2013 18:16

I bought a test that's kind of like a pregnancy test and it said girl, my boobs have also grown.

20 week scan showed boy.

SoupDragon · 03/04/2013 18:13

You're right to be sceptical - It won't tell you!

willoughboobs · 03/04/2013 18:12

My breasts have been the same throughout all my pregnancies also so it hasn't worked for me.

Iv seen these tests around on the market a while now and have all had good views but I'm still quite sceptical as I don't believe peeing into some powder will tell you the gender.

OP posts:
sjupes · 03/04/2013 16:00

The chinese one has worked for me all three times plus my sisters 3, and 3 of my friends whose kids birthdays i know :)

Probably just luck tho - gender scan is the only effective way of knowing.

SoupDragon · 03/04/2013 15:55

Nope - two boys and a girl. Same breast growth when pregnant with all three.

lurcherlover · 03/04/2013 15:54

I read somewhere recently that the only "reliable" indicator is whether or not your boobs have grown in pregnancy. If they do, it's more likely to be a girl (something to do with raised oestrogen levels?) I have to say, in my first pregnancy my boobs didn't grow at all and I had a boy. In this one my boobs have grown much more and I'm having a girl, but tbh it's probably just because they've done it all before and have stretched a bit! All the others are definitely old wives' tales...a gender scan is the only way to know for sure!

SoupDragon · 03/04/2013 15:50

it will be right in about 50% of cases.

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