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Anyone Else Pregnant Aged 44?

183 replies

LottieH · 20/02/2013 16:02

Is anyone else out there in their mid 40s & pregnant like me? Everyone else I know who is expecting seems to be in their 30s (which I was when I started having children) but now feel people think I'm a bit odd?! Have had some very strange comments when I've announced it to people.

OP posts:
Mahogani30 · 30/12/2015 21:25

I am 44 yrs old and 32 weeks pregnant. This pregnancy was an oops and yes I was shocked to say the least. However, my husband and I are now very excited about our bundle on the way. The pregnancy is going quite well and I cant wait to meet him.

earthmotherSA998 · 08/12/2014 10:29

I am 44years old and 16 weeks pregnant by "accident", pretty devastated at first, but getting used to the idea now. EMPS, how are you doing?? Please update us, hope you are ok.

notsoold · 08/10/2014 22:15

I am 43 and almost 5 weeks. I also have a 20 yo a 14yo and a 11months old baba!!!!
Very happy
Good luck to all!!!!

elderflower8 · 07/10/2014 17:07

Hi all, it's so lovely to find this thread with all these great women doing this thing! I'm 43 and just got a positive test result. I'll be 44 when I have the baby and I'm equally over the moon and terrified! Have told only closest friends and my sister that we were trying. My other half is 50 and is delighted. (We've had five years of ivf and two miscarriages.) Good luck and energy to everyone on here Smile xx

EMPS · 25/08/2014 09:12

I am 44; 45 in January. Career girl; very successful; married, one DD aged 5 and at private school. Life sorted. Kind of keen to get pregnant again and recreate the magic of DD. Kind of horrified to find out that I am 19-days pregnant! Crikey. Cannot come to terms with it. No one else knows.

ChicaMomma · 09/05/2014 13:43

My sister who is 47 is having her second at Xmas! i honestly dont think 44 is that old in today's terms at all, it's really the equivalent of 34 in the 70s/80s! It's all about how you feel rather than a number on a birth cert. I'm 38 and having my first, i honestly did not feel ready until now. I did so much in my 20s/early 30s WRT career and travel that it would have been madness for me to start a family before now.

ExpatAl i hope it all goes well for you which i'm sure it will, it must have been so tough losing at child close to the 3rd trimester- you poor thing.

ruthsmumkath · 09/05/2014 13:36

I'm a youthful 42 and 36 weeks! So glad to see plenty others over 40! My husband seems to think I'm a geriatric!

Frizzyhair · 08/05/2014 23:02

hi all, I became pregnant at 43 naturally, had a normal pregnancy (with a few extra tests) and had a normal delivery aged 44. I also had at that time a 17 year old son (still have my son!) from a previous relationship (now 21 so my fantastic daughter is 3 yrs 5mths) on telling him I could see the main issue for him was that sex was involved! once he got over that all was fine. good luck to all x

Mirabelle · 04/03/2014 04:55

Hi everyone it's lovely to read your stories:) I am so happy for you all and hopeful for everyone else:). I am 44, entering my 7th week. Very nervous to b honest....I have my first ultrasound in 6 days. Fingers crossed xx

Hope u all r having a great day xx

Mirabelle xx

MinkyWinky · 08/02/2014 09:46

Hi Lottie! I had this thread on my watch list but missed your post. My daughter was four months old yesterday and is doing well. I could do with more sleep, but it's actually not been as bad as I thought it could be.

How are you? How's your little girl?

duvetheaven · 02/12/2013 23:08

Great to hear these positive stories. Coming up to 43 and hoping for a BFP !

Lottielloyd · 02/12/2013 22:14

Well my baby daughter is 8 weeks now! How is everyone?

snowqu33n · 12/09/2013 11:48

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snowqu33n · 12/09/2013 11:47

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jammydonut1969 · 11/09/2013 22:00

Can't believe I came across this thread but so very glad as it means I have real people to chat to :-) I had my beautiful son august 2012 aged 43. He has down syndrome but he's amazing and has no medical problems so extremely lucky so far. I've just found out I'm 2wks pregnant and have very mixed emotions. He/she will be my 5th! The older ones are 24, 20 and 18 and of course 1. All boys!!! Praying for a girl if I'm honest. But love my lads so a boy would be more than welcome. Scared of being judged too :-(

Ubermama · 07/09/2013 11:24

Hi, I'm 44 and 7+ weeks pregnant. I have five daughters aged between 20 and 6 years old. This pregnancy wasn't planned (although we were talking about the possibility of having a child 'soon') but as it is my new partner's first we are both thrilled. I feel really well most of the time. I have the usual symptoms of sensitive sense of smell and food aversions, as well as problems sleeping and extreme tiredness and needing to pee all the time. I've always been a 'health nut' and have been extra careful with my nutrition over the past four years or so because I've been working full time and providing/caring for my family solo. I can't afford to get sick so I've invested in my health. It seems to have paid off. I'm glad to have found this thread as so many other boards about pregnancy over 40 are full of m/c stories. Lovely to read everyone's good news.

Lottielloyd · 05/09/2013 19:21

Well I'm 35 weeks now! Going really fast now! Gulp

angelcocker13 · 04/09/2013 23:32

& having checked the dates I reckon it's nearer to 14wks!!! Smile

angelcocker13 · 04/09/2013 23:31

Thanks everyone! Still hasn't sunk in yet, suppose it won't till I see midwife & have 1st scan. Have chased up & been told I should her by end of this week or early part of next - is this normal? My Dr managed to restrain herself, but I'm sure she peeked out the window to see if I hopped on a donkey! ;) x

MinkyWinky · 04/09/2013 15:33

Wow angel congratulations! What a lovely surprise Grin did your dr call you Mary Wink

Meerka · 03/09/2013 19:00

Oh my goodness angel. Wow. Oh wow. Heh, how long will you be in shock?! weeks!

Very best of luck with it to you and your husband.

angelcocker13 · 02/09/2013 09:56

After trying for 3yrs & then going on egg donor list as I was told it was impossible for me to conceive naturally as I had started the menopause I went to see my GP on Friday afternoon as I was concerned over painful breasts & abdominal pains. She asked if I was pregnant & I said not possible, unless my names Mary, I've got to surgery under donkey power & I live in a stable as I was told it was impossible for me to have my own children. She insisted I did a urine test so she could rule out prior to other tests. So imagine my shock / surprise when she said congrats - you prob at least 12wks gone! I'm 45 & this will be my 1st. To say me & hubby are stunned is an under statement. We're both really happy but still in total shock!


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Meerka · 31/08/2013 09:02

Thank you Morethanpotatoes - lovely post :)

morethanpotatoprints · 29/08/2013 22:55

Ah you lovely mature pregnant women. Wanted to send more positive thoughts your way and wish you all good luck. Was lurking but had to post as you are all so supportive of each other and really nice.

Just wanted to add that I was 37 with our dc3 and I didn't have the tests as was told it would most definitely come back high due to my age. DD is great and 9 now, it seems so bloody long ago now.

Meerka · 29/08/2013 22:43

awww lovely! Hope the baby cooperates and gives you a lovely pic :)

Taking it day by day here, but if all goes well then our first scan is on 11th Sept. Seems a long way to go at the moment!

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