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Is it normal for morning sickness to come back?

4 replies

PaulineFossil · 09/02/2013 16:31

I'm 14wks pg and was quite sick in the first few weeks. Then it all disappeared at 10 weeks which caused me no end of worry but all was fine at the dating scan. I was starting to feel that my diet was becoming a bit more normal and healthy rather than just the random things that I could stomach and then a few days ago the sickness returned and I'm eating all sorts of odd stuff again.

Is it normal for this to happen? Will the sickness go again? I was horribly sick with my first DC until about 5 months but once it had gone, it was gone.

OP posts:
33goingon64 · 09/02/2013 19:59

I had a sudden return of nausea and vomiting as the third trimester started. Something to do with hormone surges. So I think anything is normal in pregnancy.

BillyBollyDandy · 09/02/2013 19:26

Yep! I thought my ms had come back but it was a bug though. Never have a been so relieved to have d&v Grin

phoenixrose314 · 09/02/2013 19:24

I felt nausea up til 11 weeks (all day, every day!) and then it has made sudden random appearances between 25 weeks and now! No idea if something sets it off, but seriously, if pregnancy has taught me anything it's that anything can happen and no two days are the same!!

FoofFighter · 09/02/2013 16:38

I think anything and everything is normal in pregnancy!

I suffered with 24/7 nausea and by week 10 it had pretty much gone. Only to return this last few days at 13+4!

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