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Ideas for a perfect relaxing labouring room

3 replies

iamwhaticallpregnant · 04/02/2013 11:27

I have been told that the best thing to do is to stay at home for as long as possible during the beginning stages of labour so my plan this week is to change my spare room into 'The Perfect Labouring Room'. I only have 8 days...

What would you put in it??? So far I am thinking -

Incense sticks
Pink lightbulbs and small lamps
Towels and cushions
Paracetamol and Co-codamol
Apple juice
my iPod with speakers
hypno - birthing CD and CD player
massage oils
Tv with DVDs (what would you watch?)

Do you have any other ideas? My first baby and no idea what will help me get through these early contractions so any tips I will be incredibly appreciative of.

OP posts:
photographerlady · 04/02/2013 15:10

bigger bed
lots of pillows
TV with HBO
mini fridge with sandwich, fruit, juices and mini ice packs.

rrreow · 04/02/2013 15:00

I'd recommend a TENS machine (make sure it's suitable for pregnancy use). I found it really helpful with the early labour pains, the ones that are kind of like bad period cramps.

Kilkers · 04/02/2013 12:32

Candles (if safe!)
Foot bath
Trashy magazines
Favourite book
Hot water bottle/wheat pack thingy (for DH to heat up for you)
Hairbrush (for DH to brush my hair as I find it the most relaxing thing ever!)

I'd probably have some Friends DVDs as I find it has a soporific effect on me.

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