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5 weeks pregnant and boobs are massive! (And sore..)

7 replies

afrikat · 21/01/2013 09:48

Got my BFP last week (first pregnancy, nervous and excited!) and am 5 weeks along but my boobs are incredibly sore and have grown about 3 cup sizes already. Is this likely to last?? Not sure whether to invest in a couple of bigger bras or not.. Don't want to keep buying new ones if they change size again next week!

OP posts:
MrsLDTE · 21/01/2013 17:00

Just turned 6 weeks and mine have just started to deflate and DH can just about touch them without me trying to chop his hand off!!

afrikat · 21/01/2013 16:57

Thanks all - off to the shops as I can barely breathe in current bra!

OP posts:
Katydive · 21/01/2013 14:26

I'm on my third and as usual within 12 weeks, my boobs ballooned from 34F to 34/36 HH they are likely to stay this way as well until baby is born/finished breast feeding. I am not planning on breastfeeding so they normally go down almost straight away. I was wearing maternity bras (non wired) with my first as you are told to, but they were so big they do not offer the right support and don't separate, I soon developed problems. A well known online bra company for nbigger boobs recommended I go straight back to underwire but with proper fitting, most of the women who worked there and were pregnant did. I only wear non wired in bed. I would say anyone above a D cup still needs well fitting underwired.

WillYouDoTheFandango · 21/01/2013 14:24

Yep completely normal. The size should stop going up soon hopefully. Invest in a good non-underwired bra if they're particularly sore. I got this one and it was the only thing that stopped me feeling like my boobs had been used as footballs for the entire day. And congratulations Smile

SaggyOldPregnantCatpuss · 21/01/2013 13:22

Have you seen these? I havent tried them, breasts far too huge but my mum swears by them. Says they are really comfy!

FoofFighter · 21/01/2013 13:09

Mine were same, bloody agony from the moment the pee dried on the stick.

Eased off about 8 weeks but last few days they are throbbing again and also gone whoomph again!

Steffanoid · 21/01/2013 11:05

mine had a huge growth spurt at around that time, i'm 19+6 now and theyve not grown too much for quite a few weeks, handy hint, asda George do quite big and relatively comfy bras for £4 so i figure if they only last a couple of weeks then it's not too bad

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