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Please Help Could I be?

10 replies

molly199 · 08/12/2012 14:03

I stopped taking the pill after 4 years for a break (depressed, low sex drive etc0 because of pill. I got my breakthrough bleed over a month a go. I still have not had a period yet, so technically im over a week late. I had unprotected sex twice. Im having very mild cramps they come and go, and my backs a little bit sore, but thats it.

Anyone know if this is normal after pill or could i be pregnant?

OP posts:
nannyl · 08/12/2012 14:33

you can get cheap pg tests from ebay

cheaper than a shop and arrive in a plain envelope through your door

OpheliasWeepingWillow · 08/12/2012 14:27


I mimed a bump
Then holding a baby
Then pointed at DH
Then it all becomes hot and blurry in my memory Blush

AKissIsNotAContract · 08/12/2012 14:15

Ophelia, did you mime weeing on a stick?

OpheliasWeepingWillow · 08/12/2012 14:13

If it helps I once had to mime 'pregnancy test' in an Italian pharmacy where a crowd gathered to help me try and explain.

The memory is still painful Smile

molly199 · 08/12/2012 14:13

ok i will get one and see..I will reply later with my virdict lol

OP posts:
OpheliasWeepingWillow · 08/12/2012 14:12

Checkout staff see much worse! Lubricating gel, Anusol, pile cream, extra strong deodorant, nit shampoo... Is all in a days work for cashiers I promise Grin

Schlock · 08/12/2012 14:11

Yes, you're definitely pregnant. Or maybe not.

I recommend you pee on a stick because we really can't say using only the power of words on a screen Xmas Grin

molly199 · 08/12/2012 14:08

I am emabarassed to go get one, the nearest place is local sainsburys and they have them in the big protected packets that the checkout staff have to remove. I might see if their is a pharmacy near by

OP posts:
AKissIsNotAContract · 08/12/2012 14:07

If you've had unprotected sex then yes, you could be pregnant. Why don't you take a test to find out?

molly199 · 08/12/2012 14:06

Also iill add im incredibly thirsty, more than ive ever been before, but then that could be just my head.

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