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So thirsty all the time, it's making me gag. Anyone any idea why?

40 replies

SchroSawMummyRidingSantaClaus · 04/12/2012 12:08

So I have been lucky this time not to have sickness but I am constantly thirsty. I coud drink a full bottle of water and still feel so thirsty that the dry mouth is making me gag a bit.

I have tried switching what I am drinking but nothing seems to work, I fell asleep early last night and needed it but ended up actually waking up because of the terrible thirst. :(

Does anyone have any idea what I can do about this? Or what could be causing it?

OP posts:
MightBeMad · 05/12/2012 10:35

Have we pursuaded him to seek urgent medical attention yet?? Would it help if I told him that my husband was told his would have become potentially fatal within 24 hours had he not sought treatment (though I understand from the number of medical students they brought in to see him in hospital that his was a particularly spectacular case!) Grin

Hope you are feeling less thirsty today!

MightBeMad · 05/12/2012 10:33

Wiki with a pic for red streaks from an arm/hand wound

MightBeMad · 05/12/2012 10:28

And this about cellulitis (the proper name given to this form for spreading skin infection - it actually spreads through the lymphatic system)

MightBeMad · 05/12/2012 10:25

Schro I googled and found this random persons blog entry with a photo of their tracking up an arm

SkinnyMarinkADink · 05/12/2012 08:37

I had mega thirst early on too, my Dr told me that the body wants more of what it already has, i used to drink 1ltr a day but had to almost triple that to satisfy my thirst.

Have you tried flavoured water? i found the little taste to it really helped.

SchroSawMummyRidingSantaClaus · 04/12/2012 21:16

Thanks for that info, I tried googling it but it just kept telling me that it tastes salty. :o

We have loads of actual Dioralyte here so will finish that off and update. :o

OP posts:
ScubaSarah · 04/12/2012 21:06

It is essentially salty with a little flavour and sweetener to make it palatable. Your body knows what it needs so once you have enough salts the saltiness is more obvious. Trust me it works - I use boots own brand (cheaper) but it is really odd how it 'changes' it's taste... Let me know how you get on and how it impacts your thirst levels xx

gemma4d · 04/12/2012 20:47

Bumping, 'cos I am really curious!

SchroSawMummyRidingSantaClaus · 04/12/2012 20:13

Thanks, I will do that. Is it not meant to taste sweet though? Confused I thought it had loads of sweeteners in it.

OP posts:
ScubaSarah · 04/12/2012 20:10

Yes, drink more dioralyte - 2/3 a day til they taste salty then 1 a day to keep on top of it Smile

SchroSawMummyRidingSantaClaus · 04/12/2012 20:07

Just That is awful! Shock Please tell me you complained?

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justanuthermanicmumsday · 04/12/2012 20:06

Get tested I had the same problem with my last birth. It was towards the end of the pregnancy. I had dry mouth too my tongue felt like it didn't have a drop of saliva on it. I was drinking lots of water but it didn't help. During the labour I forgot my large bottle of water in the car, even though I was a straight forward patient in a midwife led birth centre I asked for water and they kept saying its coming, 30 mins later still no water, she could see my lips were discoloured and cracked in the corners. I tried licking my lips but seriously zero saliva. I was in pain with short fast labour but more concerned about water, I have never wanted water so bad n my life. I hated the staff I never made a big request and they even told me labour suites were strangely quiet for this time of the year, that peed me off further lol.

get tests done but keep drinking and if you fear it's anything more serious a&e ASAP

SchroSawMummyRidingSantaClaus · 04/12/2012 20:03

Vintage I keep forgetting my folic acid. Blush Can't be that! I don't really like ice lollies as they are too sweet but I chew a lot of ice. :o

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SchroSawMummyRidingSantaClaus · 04/12/2012 20:01

I've googled "Tracking marks" and am only finding pictures of marks from injecting drugs. I'm not sure they would be the same thing? I will have a hell of a job convincing him to go to A+E tonight, I will try but he will probably say no (was hard enough to convince him to agree to go today before I started feeling ill).

I think someone got to the bottom of my thirst thing, I have just tried the dioralyte and it was sickeningly sweet, finished it but it still doesn't taste salty, do I keep going and drink more of them?

OP posts:
vintageviolets · 04/12/2012 19:57

Also Folic Acid can make you feel thirsty.

vintageviolets · 04/12/2012 19:55

Im getting really thirsty lately (am 20 weeks) & find Ice Lollies really help.
Also don't think my central heating is helping.

Bunbaker · 04/12/2012 19:52

If your DP has tracking marks he needs to go to A & E today not tomorrow.

rebeccacraig0001 · 04/12/2012 19:51

I had gestational diabetes and it didn't show in urine or GTT, only through blood testing. I was thirsty ALL the time and also had terrible aversion to tap water. Found that sparkling drinks were more thirst quenching, especially if icy cold.

SchroSawMummyRidingSantaClaus · 04/12/2012 19:45

Oh, didn't expect so many replies when I got back.

GP called and said that "your body is good at telling you when you're thirsty so just keep drinking". She says she highly doubts there is any other reason for it. I did try and tell her that on a normal day I drink loads anyway (up to 3l a day) so I am a bit worried as drinking a lot more than that just now, still same reply though. She has said I can book an appointment for a blood sugar test with the nurse if I like but their waiting times are so long, I will just get it done at Asda tomorrow. :)

I have some dioralyte here actually, will try that in a minute.

For the posters who has mentioned about DP, I felt really ill after I last came on here so we didn't go to A+E, we will be going tomorrow though as I am really worried about this infection. Funny thing about the tracking marks though, he had them when he went to the GP the last time and as usual he was pretty much shrugged off and given the same anti-biotics that have failed umpteen times in the past couple of years. Hmm He has them really quite bad now though so I will definitely make sure he goes.

Splinters No itchy nose! :)

OP posts:
ScubaSarah · 04/12/2012 17:45

As the previous poster said I'd guess you're low on salts. Get some dioralyte and add it to your water. If it tastes sweet you need more salts so keep going til it tastes salty. I take one every day as I drink 3l water every day.
Good luck with DS xx

rrreow · 04/12/2012 16:09

Oh last poster has reminded me of something. If you drink TOO much water, it can actually make you more thirsty. Something to do with it flushing out the electrolytes your body needs to absorb the fluids. You can make the water you drink more effective at hydrating you by eating some fruit beforehand.

Splinters · 04/12/2012 15:37

On the other hand, I have been extremely thirsty all through pregnancy (now 28 weeks) and it's not diabetes. I've found very cold, very fizzy (so bog standard supermarket, not posh 'lightly sparkling') water much more effective at quenching thirst than still water. Does make you belch though.

Your DP doesn't have an uncomfortable itchy feeling in his nose, does he? Just a thought, because a couple of years ago I had terrible boils that no-one could figure out how to treat, and it wasn't until they swabbed my nose for apparently unrelated nose soreness that they discovered I had MRSA. When they found the right cream for that, my boils miraculously stopped..


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MrsWooster · 04/12/2012 14:55

Don't wish to be doom-y but my pee sugar levels were all ok but Glucose Tolerance Test ( I asked specially as I felt so thirsty and knackered) found gestational diabetes and I was only 16 weeks...

rrreow · 04/12/2012 14:49

Seconding getting checked for diabetes to be sure, but in any case it is quite normal to be thirsty as your blood supply increases a lot during pregnancy, so you need more fluids.

MightBeMad · 04/12/2012 14:14

Schro sorry to barge in but streaks on skin from the site of an infection can be signs of serious spread of the bacteria which needs urgent attention (dh hospitalised twice with this, called 'tracking'). You are right to get him seen ASAP.

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