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Faint positive???

23 replies

ktfrd · 13/09/2012 18:14

Hi Ladies! I had a miscarriage on 15th August (I was 4 weeks 4 days) and took a pregnancy test yesterday after having really sore boobs, feeling of nausea etc and a faint line came up. When I had my miscarriage last month my hCG levels only went up to 16 so as you can imagine the line was barely there. This time the line is a bit darker and I only ovulated last Sat so by calculations I'm only 11/12dpo - is this cause for concern again as given I'm still in the 2ww it has def picked it up. What are your thoughts? x

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Gingerpanther27 · 14/09/2012 14:10

I had a faint line now 11+1 told yesterday hcg levels way too low for been this far on got to hear heartbeat though Grin I got them to make sure everything was fine now not sure cos strange crampy feels :(

ktfrd · 13/09/2012 22:17

In theory I was due yesterday so did a test. I'm having the symptoms I had with my son. I knew something wasnt quite right last month but this month it feels completely different - just a hunch. It's my husband's 30th bday celebrations this wknd so at least thatll keep me preoccupied. Will keep you posted.

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PuffPants · 13/09/2012 22:09

I know it's irresistible but you would be better off waiting till you miss a period. If you hadn't tested early last time you would have just thought your period was a couple of days late and saved yourself the upset of thinking you were pregnant and then feeling the loss of it. At 4+4 it was a chemical pregnancy, a very common thing which women didn't used to know about because they waited till they had missed a period before testing.

If you try not to think about it and just let mother nature tell you, she will.

Very best of luck however Smile

ThisIsCrazy · 13/09/2012 22:08

I had the faintest of lines from four tests (still didn't believe it!) So bought a more expensive one and line was a lot clearer. my dd is 5 months now! A line is a line. Congratulations!

ktfrd · 13/09/2012 22:02

I will do! Isn't it just?! Thanks for your comments ladies x

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RileyLeeHargreaves2012 · 13/09/2012 21:57

Make sure you keep me upto date :). The waits always the worst :( x

SucksFake · 13/09/2012 21:21

Sorry to hear about your miscarriage.

I had a faint test like this; my twins will be 3 in December Wink

Congratulations and good luck!

ktfrd · 13/09/2012 21:15

Two week wait - from when you ovulate to when you can test. Going to do another cheapy test Sat morn & another Tues morn to see if line getting darker. If still unsure will get a sigital. Soo frustrating! :) x

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RileyLeeHargreaves2012 · 13/09/2012 20:57

What's 2ww? Get a clearblue?
I used the little strip ones at first (the ones you used) then got a none digital clear blue which confirmed.

Stay positive lovely every pregnancy is different, hard to believe i know!

ktfrd · 13/09/2012 20:41

I really hope so as even at 4 weeks and 4 days there was hardly a line. I'm technically in 2ww still. It's all so mad!!!! x

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RileyLeeHargreaves2012 · 13/09/2012 20:38

Just seen the pictures, that's the exact tests I took and thats exactly what the positive line looked like :D. I think your pregnant!

RileyLeeHargreaves2012 · 13/09/2012 20:35

No, but with my last pregnancy I've just lost I got a very faint positive to begin with. If there's two lines your pregnant :)! If you want to be sure ask the doctors for a blood pregnancy test :). Good luck!!!

NewChoos · 13/09/2012 20:15

Can't see pics, everything crossed for you though!

ktfrd · 13/09/2012 20:14

All done - please let me know what you all think x

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ktfrd · 13/09/2012 20:06

How do I make it public?

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EarnestDullard · 13/09/2012 20:00

You need to make your profile public so we can see the photos :)

ktfrd · 13/09/2012 19:58

I hope so but am terrified it'll be taken away. Can you see pics?

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RileyLeeHargreaves2012 · 13/09/2012 19:54

Your pregnant then :D.

ktfrd · 13/09/2012 19:48

Thanks for your messages! I feel fine other than really sore boobs, bloatedness and just feeling generally emotional. On 18th Aug I went to hospital and they confirmed that my levels had decreased to 6 and recommended we ttc as soon as we were ready - that was 4 weeks ago! Pic of tests on my profile thing x

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RileyLeeHargreaves2012 · 13/09/2012 18:51

A line is a line. My hcg is 17 but they think it might be a new pregnancy starting, I think its my mc ending. I miscarriages on 16th august.
Anything over 10 could be a pregnancy, everything starts off small :D. Fingers crossed for you! How you feeling?

Jalopeno · 13/09/2012 18:27

Go to MyMumsnet, Upload Pics and then make your profile public.

Jalopeno · 13/09/2012 18:20

A line is a line. I tested at 11dpo and a very faint line came up; I had to hold it to the light to see it. I used a digital the next day as I wasn't sure if my mind was playing tricks on me. Congratulations and best of luck Smile


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ktfrd · 13/09/2012 18:19

How do I add a pic??

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