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Tell me your crazy, stressed pregnant woman stories to make me feel better!!

69 replies

Smicha · 20/08/2012 16:26

My weekend has been pants. In 15 years of driving I've never had a car accident, but on Friday I reversed into a moving car in Tesco car park in DH's relatively new car which he was lovely about and more worried that I might have hurt myself. On Friday night I shouted at DH and his friend that he hadn't seen for months to shut up because I'd gone to sleep and they were having a beer in the garden (and not really being loud at all). On Saturday I was surprisingly calm... However, yesterday I cried and stropped around the kitchen for an hour because we had no prawns in the freezer and the only thing I had planned to make for dinner was prawn stir fry. Today I shouted at my Mum because she suggested that we travel to see her early on Friday as we're heading there for the weekend, but she didn't take into account that DH had to attend an early morning meeting (she didn't even know about it!!!!). These are just the bits that stand out to me... I suspect there are many more things I'm doing that are driving my loved ones mad Blush

HELP. I'm 33+5. Tell me this gets better...!!! I'm a nutter! I'm spending my time saying sorry once I realise how irrational I'm being. I'm usually quite calm and nice to my family. They're going to hate me!!!

Please share your stories to make me (and I hope others) feel better!

OP posts:
TheBigRazzoo · 20/08/2012 20:10

I stormed off to my room in tears because my husband saw dolphins on holiday and I didn't see them. Don't think I'm ever going to live that one down, ha ha ha!

serendipity81 · 20/08/2012 20:23

Crazy is how I know I'm pregnant! It starts before I even get a +ve test! And it def does not stop after the baby is becomes another kind of sleep deprivation crazy! Good luck OP :) x

applecrumple · 20/08/2012 20:52

This thread is hilarious! Can I join in - I had a proper rage at DH for daring to eat a pack of salt & vinegar mccoys (just one of 24 packs I had, but I was gong through a craving for them a the time)!

recall · 20/08/2012 20:57

I remember marching into Tesco, going straight to the milk, opening a big bottle of full fat and guzzling it, right there where I stood. I had awful heart burn and was craving cold milk. I wiped mi mouth and went and paid for it.

I would never do that if not mental with the hormones of pregnancy - what a dirty bitch Shock

Kafri · 20/08/2012 21:12

Hi all, I've been fine and dandy up until sat. Woke up Saturday, my wedding anniversary, and was in an AWFUL mood. This lasted all of Saturday and all of Sunday. No idea what was wrong but just couldn't pull myself out of it. DH gout it in th neck both days. It didn't elp on Sunday that I had an awful headache all day too so Sunday defo went down the pan! Flipped at DH late Sunday about a pot noodle of all things!
Think ve been forgiven now though, lol. I'm sure there will be more to come - I'm only 22+3!


NewlyMintedPeasant · 20/08/2012 21:20

Last time I was HEAVILY pregnant on the tube and no seat was offered. I stood in the middle of the carriage strap-hanging and this man re-folded his newspaper so it was resting on my bump to stop it flopping over.It was the last straw I didn't say a word, just took it and screwed it up into a really tight ball whilst eye-balling him and leaning forward a little in a mad-woman way.

For an overweight middle-aged guy in a suit he moved rather fast down the carriage and got off at the next stop.

JennerOSity · 20/08/2012 21:22

NewlyMinted - brilliant! Good for you for taking a stand (boomboom)- wish I'd seen that! Grin

CaptainHetty · 20/08/2012 21:23

I burst into tears the other week because I boiled the pasta into a soggy mess. And then burnt the garlic bread, burning my finger in the process of trying to rescue it from the oven. A simple mistake, but you could have been forgiven for thinking it was the end of the world, judging by my reaction.

AGiraffeOnTheDivingBoard · 20/08/2012 21:31

NewlyMinted Grin

NewlyMintedPeasant · 20/08/2012 21:40

Well I'm not so 'ard right now, just getting weepy because I sold DS's buggy as I need a double now.

It served me well.

P.S. If you need a single buggy that's easy to use and can be sold in a nearly new condition after 2 years of hard use then the Silvercross Halo is for you!

Smicha · 20/08/2012 21:44

You have all made me feel so much better! And I've been very nice to DH tonight to make up for my moods, maybe too nice though as he keeps glancing at me out of the corner of his eye in a suspicious manner as if he thinks I'll lose it any minute!

OP posts:
shouldIbecrossaboutthis · 20/08/2012 22:04

35 weeks here and very very nearly got out of my car and attacked a set of temporary traffic lights!

mrsbugsywugsy · 21/08/2012 08:23

Earlier this week I was woken up at 3am by our new student neighbours playing guitar in their garden. I opened the window and screeched 'quit playing the f*cking guitar!' at the top of my voice. They did.

Yesterday I was sitting in my garden and one of them came outside, saw me, and ran back in looking scared. Clearly I am the crazy pregnant woman next door. And I don't care one bit.

Sastra · 21/08/2012 09:51

Mrsbugsy - you were totally within your rights there, being pregnant has nowt to do with it!!

1stbabyat30 · 21/08/2012 10:18

Sastra you are absolutely hilarious.
It's my first baby. My partner tells me that I am putting extra syllables into words "PregERnant" for example. I am an English Teacher FYI.
I weep daily - any adverts for pretty much anything and anytime he does something nice. Nearly wept yesterday in the supermarket when I looked at his face and noticed how attractive he was. This is completely out of the ordinary. I walk around like a wounded puppy who has been given a week to live. I really miss my parents and cry about that on a daily basis too - they live an hour away and I usually can't stand them.

1stbabyat30 · 21/08/2012 10:23

newlymintedpeasant you have made my day lol

cjdamoo · 21/08/2012 10:29

dd is 1 now. However Dh still feels the need to tell everyone that when I was 38 weeks I woke him up one night and told him to go sleep on the sofa for his own safety. I did I admit there I was laid there all huge and uncomfy for the nth night in a row Knowing I had to carry on and be awake the next day for the older 4 kids and he was all snuffly and snorey and happy in his sleep. The sound of his snuffles and grunts and snores. Oh I can still recall the absoulute rage that swept over me. The urge to take the pillow and drown out his sleep sounds. He took to sleeping on the sofa Till she arrived.

Sastra · 21/08/2012 10:51

1stbabyat30 does your DH know how close to the wind he's sailing with comments like that? Jesus, its making ME feel cross!!

elvislives2012 · 21/08/2012 10:59

Not so much with the rage but more in controllable weeping. The other day DH and I went to see the dark knight and I started blubbing like a baby at an advert. In my defence I'm sure im not the only one. It was the advert for the Olympics and the really proud mum. Ooh I could well up just thinking about it!

1stbabyat30 · 21/08/2012 11:00

Sastra as I spend every waking hour usually correcting his grammar he feels he has the right now to correct mine. He counteracts this with waiting on me hand and foot the rest of the time. Being pregERnant aint all bad.

SquealyB · 21/08/2012 11:16

Thanks for this thread...nice to know I am not alone Grin

Got DH to read it too as he has been getting a bit scared recently that I am actually insane

Sastra · 21/08/2012 11:17

1stbabyat30 Well at least he makes amends for his sins. But, should he at any point in the next few months stop doing this, kill him. Not a jury in AIBU the land would convict you.


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Kemis · 21/08/2012 11:23

Laughing at "you aren't supposed to lose all your brain cells yet!"

SkinnyMarinkADink · 21/08/2012 11:24

Oh gosh so many..

With dd i screamed and cried for about an hour because dh had put to much butter on my roll he had made me..

This time round i am totally baby brain dumb, stood in tesco yesterday at the self service till and could not for the life of me figure out how to open a bag to put my shopping in...

dh thought it was hilarious that i came home carrying 2 pizzas, garlic bread and a capri sun crying as i couldn't figure the bag out

ithastobeNAICEham · 21/08/2012 11:42

I'm 37 weeks now so beginning to set up the eviction plan!! Smile

My OH thinks I'm going mental as I normally deal with things very quickly and don't get overtly emotional when dealing with things when they go wrong!

This week I've got my OH an iPhone and within a couple of days it stopped working, I had a hissy fit in the shop because they wouldn't give me my money back!! Angry my OH had to take over!!!

I've been beyond wussy when it comes to feeding the bearded dragon (locusts are evil little bouncy things now)!!

Let's not mention the night terrors or the shouting at him because his foot is touching me on a night Grin

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