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Red Bleeding - 5 weeks pregnant

40 replies

donttrythisathome · 14/07/2012 16:07

I'm 5 and a half week pregnant, and I started to bleed last night. I want to check whether I should be on bed rest or whether it is ok to carry on as normal, go to work etc.

Initially the blood was light and brown. Now it is red, mucusy (spelling?) and constant. I rang OOH and have a scan booked on Tuesday when I am 6 weeks. I don't have any pain - maybe a barely discernible lower abdomen/back pain, which does get a little worse when I try to do things.

I know bleeding is common and it might be ok, although red blood constantly is not a good sign. So should I be on bed rest? I am due in work next week and have a long commute. Should I stay in bed or go in? I feel generally ok, though a bit weak. I don't want to take a risk,s but don't want to go over the top either.

I feel a bit stupid asking this, but can't face ringing OOH again!

OP posts:
Sharkelsl · 27/03/2020 21:10

Hi I am almost 6 weeks pregnant. Have started bleeding this morning and experiencing some cramps in my lower tommy. Ve got my scan in 11 days. Can this be a miscarriage? Help pls

Missim · 29/04/2016 20:48

Hello, I'm 5 weeks and this is my first pregnancy at the age of 40. I can relate to your experiences just when you find out you're pregnant all is going well then you start to spot this brown colour.

Then you start to panic and all things start going through your mind, then the red blood comes and you assume that's it !
I came home from work had no more bleeding so I decided to take the next day off work, then started bleeding about 3pm which was like the start of a period.

I know this could be the implantation stage and last of last months period but this makes you feel sad like it's all over!
The pregnancy line advise you to monitor it and if you get servere cramps then I should go to the hospital as there's nothing they can do at this early stage.

Listening to some of these stories it gives me hope so thank you for that, Kittycatlover that's a wonderful outcome 😇

Anyone out there that could share some advise ?


Raffertys · 11/06/2015 11:57

Hey beth. Sorry you're going through this. This is a really old thread from 2012. You will get much better advice if you start a new thread on the pregnancy board, or on the miscarriage board here Flowers

Beth91x · 11/06/2015 09:11

Hi I am also 5 weeks pregnant but started bleeding yesturday (Wednesday) it was brown the pink too red and has been a steady amount so far ( not enough to fill a sanitary towel) and is still the same today. I went to the doctors and they said to just wait and see what happens either way. As you can imagine I'm anxious but in no pain other than lower back pain which iv had so far anyways. I took four positive tests on Sunday two of which were clear blue and said 1-2 no if I wait and take another one on Sunday and it says 2-3 would that be a good sign that my levels are going up and everything's ok?

Beth91x · 11/06/2015 09:06

Hi I am also 5 weeks pregnant and yesturday (Wednesday) started bleeding. It went from brown to pink to red and it's a steady amount and it is the same today(not enough to fill a sanitary pad) so I went to the doctors and they said to just wait and see and go back next week. As you can imagine I'm anxious. I did four positive test 2 on Sunday which said 1-2 weeks. If I take another this Sunday coming up and it was to say 2-3 would that mean my levels are still going up and I have hope of continuing the pregnancy?

donttrythisathome · 30/07/2012 20:50

I just saw Your message Almond. I am so sorry. I hope your are ok, it is very sad.

OP posts:
berri · 27/07/2012 19:27

So sorry Almond, hope you're ok Sad

Almond301 · 27/07/2012 08:02

Hi Donttry

Well...not good news. Had my hcg tested and it has dropped by half in last few days Sad. At least I know where this is going now and looking forward to moving on. I think I might have to have a D&C though as I haven't had any bleeding for a week.

Back to joining the TTC forums! Hope you are doing ok, thanks for your support.

donttrythisathome · 24/07/2012 22:47

I am so sorry to hear that Almond. The uncertainty is awful, but there is still hope. Am thinking of you. Good luck and please let me know. X

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Almond301 · 24/07/2012 21:21

Hi Donttry,

Thanks so much for thinking of me. Mixed news...The bleed has got so big they can't see the egg sac. They think it's behind it but don't know. Real risk of miscarriage or a major haemorrhage that could hospitalise me but they just don't know. It is awful not knowing, in some ways u could move on more easily if the just knew it was going to miscarry.

In the meantime they have signed me off till next Wed. I have a rescan next Tues as they say this is the only way they can tell. What an emotional rollercoaster...??. I can't stop crying at the moment but hoping I will feel calmer tomorrow.

donttrythisathome · 24/07/2012 20:48

Hi Almond how did the scan go today? Hope everything is ok.

OP posts:
berri · 17/07/2012 20:10

I'm so sorry to hear this, I was keeping an eye on your thread. Sometimes it's not meant to be, but it will be soon I'm sure.

I hope you have people to chat to in rl and take some time to look after yourself until you feel ready enough to try again.

InchyInchy · 17/07/2012 17:43

I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. It's hard and it's heartbreaking.

I completely agree that going through the pain of mc changes you and definitely makes you more a compassionate person, or at least I think it has me.

Make sure you look after yourself for the next while.

hugs xxx

Almond301 · 17/07/2012 17:38


So sorry to hear about your loss. I think the best thing to do is think you can definitely get pregnant and that this one wasn't meant to be. Hard but you will get there!!! Hope your ok, thinking of you.

donttrythisathome · 17/07/2012 12:23

Thanks nosleep I was just torturing myself with the preg tests really to watch the lines get fainter!

I am back from the scan and I'm afraid I have had a miscarriage. On the plus side they didn't see any retained tissue so I don't need any procedures. The bleeding is getting a bit less too. I am a little bit sad about the loss of the March Baby, and cried a little, but at the same time I am feeling very positive about trying again as soon as the bleeding stops. It is so common and I feel this experience will make me a more compassionate person.

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Almond301 · 16/07/2012 22:19


Thanks for the message. I hadn't heard of that term before so I've done some reading. I'm just hoping the other bean sticks at the moment and anything else would be a huge bonus. I've posted a new thread so I'll see if anyone else can share their experiences. In the meantime the bleeding has subsided and more drips than gush so fingers crossed that is a good sign. It's going to be a long week until my rescan!

nosleepwithworry · 16/07/2012 19:03

Hi donttry & Almond.

tbh i wouldnt bother with the pregancy tests because unfortunately pregnancy hormones stay around for quite a long time.
For me, i still had a faint positive up to 10 days after a complete miscarriage and when bleeding had settled. This isnt a good indicator unfortunatley.

Almond, if this is an empty sac, its called a blighted ovum.
There are loads and loads of ladies on here who will tell you that they had an empty sac on scan at 5/6 weeks then gone back a week or 10 days later and there was a wee baby there, so things definitely CAN work out well. Fingers crossed that this is true for you.

For me, all of my miscarriages have been this empty sac or blighted ovum. My HCG levels have always risen with this miscarriage, this is very misleading and gave me false hope. Again, not always helpful.
If you want any advice, or to ask anything, please ask.

donttrythisathome · 16/07/2012 18:55

it does sound like there is a lot of hope for you. i am bleeding continuously, like a proper period with clots.

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Almond301 · 16/07/2012 17:17

Hi Donttry

They did say it might be but they couldn't say for sure. It's horrible not knowing though and the waiting! Are you bleeding continuously? Is it very heavy? I don't know if this is in my head but I feel 'less' pregnant which I'm wondering if my hcg is dropping but they didn't check that so who knows. I'm holding on to the fact that things are more positive today than I thought they would be last night and things will work out if they are meant to. Hope your ok!

donttrythisathome · 16/07/2012 16:43

Though not ough ...

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donttrythisathome · 16/07/2012 16:43

I'm the same today minty thanks, still bleeding. Less crampy ough come to think of it. Still had a faint positive on the test yesterday, but I haven't tested today yet.
Almond I am so sorry to hear you are going through this too. Do they think a twin miscarried? Please let me know how it goes next week-fingers crossed.

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Almond301 · 16/07/2012 15:13

Hi Donttry

I just wanted message to say that I am going through the exact same thing. I started bleeding last night with strong cramps. Went to see the out of hours GP who referred me to the Early Pregnancy Clinic this morning. I went and had an internal scan which showed an egg sac and then what looks like an empty egg sac. They said it could be that or a bleed. I'm booked in again next Tues for a rescan as they should be able to see more at 6wks.

The bleeding mainly comes when I go to the loo and is bright red. I'm just hoping it sticks but it could go either way Sad.

Hope all is ok with you.


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MinkyWinky · 16/07/2012 13:46

How are you today donttry? Hope you're okay.

donttrythisathome · 15/07/2012 11:50

The best of luck to you nosleep.
As I have never had a miscarriage before I just don't know how it might go. I suppose I was presuming that there would be more blood, then that would be it. But there might be more pain and contractions even at 5-6 weeks?
I just got up to get dressed now and cramping increased a lot.
I am presuming this is it to be honest but I don't feel too upset. A little sad and disappointed. And hoping this is not a sign I cannot have any more kids. I could imagine if circumstances were different I would be devastated-long time trying, previous miscarriages, later in pregnancy etc.

OP posts:
nosleepwithworry · 15/07/2012 10:45

From experience, i needed to be near hospital in case i needed pain control.
Near home because of the bath, sofa and loo, privacy & comfort.,

Its very distressing to be out of your comfort area.

I have a son. Loads of miscarriages before and since him. Currently 11 weeks with everything crossed that this will be my miracle.

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