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Exercise, round ligament pain and maternity support belts

5 replies

Harbot · 03/07/2012 10:24


I'm hoping that someone can give me some advice. I'm 17 weeks pregnant and in the last week have been suffering from severe round ligament pain which is exacerbated when I go for a run (I spend the next 24 hours practically unable to walk!). I really don't want to give up running and wondered if anyone can recommend a maternity support belt that is particularly good for exercise. I've looked some up (such as Emma Jane etc) but I can't tell if they are good for exercise. American websites recommend Gabrialla but as far as I can see, I can't get one on the UK

Also, has anyone else experienced this with running? I also wanted to know what exercise people may be doing that doesn't affect it so much, especially more cardiovascular exercises (I already do yoga and swimming).

Thanks so much in advance for any help!

OP posts:
Harbot · 04/07/2012 08:53

That must be so frustrating. I haven't felt that yet but am sure I will - although I think it must be down to the extra weight. Is this your first? It's mine and I'm 36 so I think my body doesn't quite know what's hit it - I think it felt that it may have got away without having to go through pregnancy!

That's a great idea about the run route. I am so reluctant to give it up completely - if only to compensate for all the extra snacks I am eating - I'm sure I merely do exercise so that I can eat more!

I think you're right about swimming - I just hate how there's never enough room in the swimming pool so one is always having to dodge around people (or have the much faster ones frustratedly trying to overtake me). I find that aspect of it quite unrelaxing.

Have you tried any support belts? I found this one on amazon and thought I might try it for running/walking:

OP posts:
Clarella · 03/07/2012 13:31

I am getting annoyed at how already I am finding my legs are not as strong as they were - really noticed it at yoga last night. Unless its just the extra weight and more blood to get air too? lactic acid seems to build more quickly.

I have changed my mini run route (i sound like a pro - soooo not!!!) into a 'brisk walk and occasional jog' route, as I reckon that helps lift your mood and as its familiar you can switch off. for me its the familar routine of things like a run route or a local swim that relaxes me rather than how much I actually do.

Some capoeira is not a great deal more than fast tai chi (its supposed to be non contact and a game than a fight). I currently find the kicks and squats good and still seem to be able to pull of a cartwheel but Im staying clear of all the ab stuff. Definately not something to take up in pregnancy though! I'm really not doing as much of that or Erin as I should (very lazy!) but Erin actually does a little jumpy squat move that I showed the Capoeira lot and they found it good and hard!

To be honest I reckon swimming is probably the best cardio as its so easy to control, no over heating, good support for extra weight and back etc. I can only do breast stroke and luckily my hips ok but if they weren't I'd just use a kick board and a little bit of back swimming (until larger!) Wish i'd learnt front crawl properly!

I've also thought I should probably just put some music on a dance! Grin

Harbot · 03/07/2012 11:45

Hello Clarella,

Thanks so much for the reply. Cycling seems a good idea and will look up the Erin O Brian thingy. I just looked up Capoeira - I'd never heard of it! It's so frustrating not being able to exercise! I find it really good for moods and until my sickness stopped (about 2 weeks ago), running was the only thing that helped!

OP posts:
Clarella · 03/07/2012 10:48

Ps find the erin o Brian prenatal fitness work out quite a sweaty challenge!

Clarella · 03/07/2012 10:47

Must admit have stopped the running now due to back pain, keeping the swimming and normal ashtanga(with adaptations) + preggo yoga going. cycling when can to places. Played capoeira for years and though barely gone I find the leg and squat stuff good but I'm used to it. (19 wks) noticed legs becoming weaker (been off work.for ages) so may use light weights to help.

Hope you get sorted soon, very frustrating!

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