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help please

2 replies

amelia11 · 10/05/2012 10:02

Am 8 weeks pregnant and i have been bleeding for couple of days now though been to the hospital, but the results based on the scan and blood test is not conclusive. am due for another blood test on friday to pin point the actual cause of the bleeding. one of the findings from the scan is a friboid of abt 6cm which i found to be the cause of my lower abdominal pain. though i have been hearing of fribroid but wasnt too sure of what it is but now faced with a reality, know much about it now. i need help on how to get this out of my system, though the Doctor says the location of the fibroid doesnt stop me from getting pregnant and the symtom isnt severe. i came across a website on how to shrink fibroid natuarlly( a lady named leto "fibroid miracle"). please does anyone know about it? please kindly throw more light into this for me as i have not been able to get the news out of mind, cant even eat.

OP posts:
KatMumsnet · 10/05/2012 14:35

Hi, we've moved this into Pregnancy. Hope you find the advice you need.

oohlordylordy · 10/05/2012 13:59


I think you might want to get this moved to a different topic.

So, bumping for you. I will report too, see if MN can move it to conception.


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