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40+3, grumpy and want my baby out NOW..........your experiences/sympathy much appreciated!

48 replies

lovemysleep · 10/10/2011 16:04

Warning - am very hormonal and just want to rant/vent my frustration....

Had lots of braxton hicks yesterday, and a real low down dragging sensation all day. Got to night time, and it became more period-like, and thought "woo-hoo, here we go!". Decided to get some rest, woke up at 3ish, had a snack, still had the mild pains, again went back to sleep, so if labour was kicking in, I'd have had some sleep.

Woke up this morning, and bit, fat zilch..........

If another relative asks me if anythings happening yet, I fear I may scream and never bloody stop.

I am very tired and so bloody grumpy - sweep booked for Wed, and I really want a homebirth. I'm trying not to stress about being induced if this baby doesn't come out soon, and also, I just feel like I'm in limbo, and it's driving me nuts!

Got clarysage, eaten spicy food, been bouncing on my ball - may have to resort to sex (shudder).

This is DC2, and DD started coming on her due date - she was posterior though, so took 48 hours to arrive. So, I'm also paranoid about this one being posterior too.

God, I am such a whinger!!!! Honestly, I'm not usually like only 40+3, so should be prepared for a bit of a wait.

Please tell me how you got through this, or join me in a whinge....

OP posts:
Haggyoldclothbatspus · 15/10/2011 22:43

Your baby will make an appearance when its good and ready. Just relax and be patient.
Ive been there, twice, 40+14 and 40+10. No sign of labour, induced both times. Next time, I will be waiting. Induction is not awful, but now Ive had a few years to mull it over, Id definitely be thinking twice about it!

effingwotnots · 15/10/2011 22:47

My dd2 was 10 days late but.... My labour was only 1.5 hours Grin

She came after an almighty sweep that day.

I was also determined not to be induced again as I was with dd1 at 40+16 and thank god I wasn't. Apparently 2nd labours are fab. Mine was.

Good luck!

kleeen · 16/10/2011 01:55

obviously i've thought twice (or a hundred times) about the induction or else I would have had it done days ago. being relaxed and patient (and positive and hopeful...) has gotten me nowhere, thus the utter frustration.

clare40 · 16/10/2011 06:45

40+10. Arghhhhhhhh! There are no words to say how fed up I am right now!

Haggyoldclothbatspus · 16/10/2011 07:18

I honestly know how frustrating it is. And you have my sympathy. Just remember that nobody goes 10 months pregnant, and it WILL happen, and soon. In nature, animals hold off giving birth until it is safe and the mother feels secure. Maybe researching and trying some relaxation techniques will help. or just give you something else to think about.

twogirls1more · 16/10/2011 08:22

I'll happily join you in a whinge! Wish I had the answer, (I REALLY do!)

In my experience labour.. (including pre-labour,) seems to have got longer each pregnancy..(I'm currently 36wks with no.4...and last I hasten to add!!)
During my last pregnancy I had my first false alarm at about 35wks. My BH's were, at times, established into a pattern of painful (something that everywhere I've read they're not meant to be!!?) contractions. Had a few other "signs" of imminent labour too and this went on for approx 5wks, (right up to my due date when I went into labour!)
This time I've had just about every "sign" in the book, incl a show, exhaustion, nesting, leaky nipples, vv strong BH's, etc...over the last wk or so so it's like one big wind up! Whilst I wouldn't want to go into labour right now as still approx 4wks til due date, just wish my bod would leave the "signs" alone until abit nearer due date! Am mahooosive and vv fed up some days!
On the plus side for me last time was that with all the "prep" my bod had been doing over last few wks, once I actually knew I was in established labour, I was already 9cm's!! I'm sure what you experienced last nt was your bod easing it's way into labour so sure it will all kick off soon for you!
Good luck when things do happen! :)

lovemysleep · 16/10/2011 14:04

Bloody proper false alarm last night!!!!

Niggly pains started at 8ish, and then I started getting crampy enough to think "This is it!!" (felt how it did when started with DD)- so packed myself off to bed at 10pm, after some paracetamol and woke up an hour and a half later with cramps. Got up, told DH we'd best get DD packed off as at least we wouldn't have to wake anyone in the middle of the night, and I could just relax.

Got birth pool blown up and other stuff at the ready, then went back to bed. Woke up at 3.30 - again crampy, had something to eat, and tried to read. Went back to sleep.

Woke this morning and bloody bugger all!!!!!!!!!!! Felt a fraud......

Had a rant a DH, and took myself off for a good cry! Felt better after that. Still got lower back ache, and I can feel a pressure in my bum all the time, and top of my thighs/pubic bone area - also exhausted. But am officially giving up guessing, and until I am in proper pain, I'm not getting remotely excited.

Hope this does mean that this labour will be a doddle compared to the marathon 48 hours with DD, and I can see a light at the end of the tunnel now. It may be an induction, but at least she'll be here.

Who's going to pop soon? Mixedberries is booked in tomorrow for an induction, if she can't get it changed.

Still sending out labour vibes to everyone Grin

OP posts:
ALovelyBunchOfCoconuts · 16/10/2011 14:17

just popping to say good luck lms however and whenever it may happen. can't wait to read your announcement :)

StickyGhost · 16/10/2011 14:49

Will be keeping an eye on this thread; hoping you all spontaneously go into labour very soon and everything goes alright. I'm 40+2, and have just read an interesting NCT article about being overdue (not sure if anyone might have seen it, I think they give it out as standard if you do NCT antenatal classes).
It lists the following as indicators that you might be more prone to going overdue:

  • Family history of longer pregnancies
  • Your own obstetric history; having a longer pregnancy previously makes you more likely to do so in the future
  • Ethnicity: Asian babies tend to be born earlier than white ones, while black babies are in the middle
  • Babies position; there is some evidence to suggest that posterior babies are more likely to go beyond 40 weeks
  • Baby boys tend to stay in longer than baby girls
  • Your height; the taller you are, the longer you are likely to stay pregnant

    Not sure how accurate any of this is, but I thought it was kind of interesting!
    I fall into the longest wait of all the categories, so I may be some time!
Nearlycooked · 16/10/2011 14:54

I am due today - nothing! Felt very tired and been back to bed all day just reading. I am not a patient person and WILL NOT be amused if madam in there takes her time!!! Is it possible to set a naughty step up in the womb?????

lovemysleep · 16/10/2011 22:09

That's interesting sticky.......although DD was posterior, she started coming on her due date! But I am more likely to have another posterior labour, as it can be down to the shape of your pelvis and the MW's have been a bit non-commital about the babys position.

We've been told that we are having a girl - but obviously not conclusively! I keep joking (when I do have a sense of humour these days....), that it's bound to be a boy as it's taking it's time. Will be scuppered for a name if it is a boy though!

Is 5'7" considered tall?

And nearlycooked - like the idea of the naughty step Grin,or the family trait of being stubborn had been firmly established early on with this DC!

OP posts:
Mimatchin · 17/10/2011 04:41

40+8 today...Fed up?..YES!!!!

Today going to acupuncture see if that work or at least helps me to be a bit more patient...

How is it going Mixedberries..Hope your sweep worked.

Again insomnia and tiredness, nightmares and tutti quanti..

Just a little note about EDD it seems that in other France for would have been my due date not last Monday...This helps :(

sleepywombat · 17/10/2011 05:08

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MixedBerries · 17/10/2011 05:09

Hello! Still here :( Had 4 sweeps now but no baby despite being 3 cm dilated and all looking favourable! Booked for induction this morning at 10.30. Am absolutely terrified hence up on MN at 4.30 not able to sleep!
Will be 41 + 4 by the scan calculations but I disagree. I don't think I'm THAT overdue (and there is no sign of anything at all wrong with either me or the baby) but have given up arguing the toss with any member of the NHS or teaching them how to understand statistics. Still not sure I'm going to go ahead with it so by this time tomorrow I may or may not have a baby in my arms.
Anyone else given birth yet? Good luck to you all! I'm now going to go and give my cat the last bit of attention he's likely to get for a few weeks and then try to sleep...
Thanks for thinking of me :)

lovemysleep · 17/10/2011 10:51

Berries - you'll be at the hospital now, so wishing you all the best- can't wait to hear how you got on!

I haven't even bothered to try an fight my induction date - tried to explain to the MW that i have my suspicions about the accuracy of scan dating, and the fact that I have a very regular cylce, and she still booked me in for an induction on day 12. I'll probably be a right pain in the arse during induction though, if it takes ages, or becomes difficult........

OP posts:
MadameBoo · 17/10/2011 19:15

Oh I hope it doesn't come to that, and that you get to use your birth pool. You can go to the hosp on your induction date, demand to be monitored and go back home again if you like y'know. I did - staved them off for a week - but I wasn't overdue as you know, 'twas the GD thing. They did monitor me every day till I gave in though Wink

MixedBerries · 22/10/2011 13:54

Hello all! Don't know what the protocol is regarding announcements so I'll put it on here anyway in case any of you are still following...
Well...declined induction on the Monday morning as I was only 11 days over and all looked fine. Went into spectacular and sudden labour on my own at 9 PM exactly when I got into bed to make up for the previous sleepless night! Went to hospital right away (so panicked we left the front door wide open) and spent 15 hours in labour with nearly three hours pushing at the end :(. Only had gas and air but if I do it again I'll certainly have an epidural at the earliest possible chance!
Our beautiful Joseph Henry was born at 11.23 on the Tuesday morning weighing in at 7 lb 12 1/2 oz. He's gorgeous if a little sleepless!
All home now and feeling good (apart from stitches). Am going to go and do something productive now while he sleeps....
Hope those of you who have given birth by now had wonderful labours and are happily engrossed with your new babies. To those of you still's all worth it and good luck. Thanks for all the support. Thanks

Milliways · 22/10/2011 18:38

Congratulations! Thanks

madmomma · 23/10/2011 08:34

Ah fantastic news, congratulations! Thanks

MadameBoo · 23/10/2011 15:32

Lovemysleep has good news too but you may to wait a while for an update so I thought I'd let you all know, her baby girl arrived in the early hours of yesterday morning :)

madmomma · 23/10/2011 22:09

Oh yey! excellent Thanks to Lovemysleep!

MixedBerries · 24/10/2011 23:01

Well done and congratulations to Lovemysleep!!!!! Thanks :)


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