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if you have spd/pgp whilst pregnant, can you use a sling/baby carrier later?

6 replies

SoTiredoftheWheelsontheBus · 04/10/2011 13:16

the subject line says it all really. I'm 30 weeks pg, and am on crutches at the moment because of spd/pgp. This is my second pregnancy, and first time around, after ds was born the spd basically disappeared (hooray!). I'm really hoping the same thing will happen this time. As I already have one very active child, I like the idea of using a baby sling/carrier when dc2 is born, but don't know whether that would be a really silly idea considering the back/pelvis problems I'm having at the moment - does anyone else have any experience of this? Are there any specific types you would recommend/tell me to stay away from?

OP posts:
goodnightmoon · 04/10/2011 15:10

i could go short distances/times but had a really bad recurrence of SPD after a few hours walking around with my then-tiny son in a baby bjorn. also had problems with an ergo and a fabric wrap once he was bigger.

AmorYCohetes · 04/10/2011 14:54

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SoTiredoftheWheelsontheBus · 04/10/2011 14:48

thanks all :) I'll have a look at the makes mentioned

OP posts:
deviladvocate · 04/10/2011 13:22

my spd improved directly after birth the first two times, i used the baby bjorn active carrier, i found it good as it spread the baby's weight across my frame evenly. i continued having problems with my pelvis after third baby, although am finding pilates a huge help - it's actually beginning to stabilise my core muscles and hold everything together again!

KirstyJC · 04/10/2011 13:21

I did - both times!Smile

I found it much easier to keep up with my toddler when I had the baby in a sling!

I use a variety, but for newborns a stretchy wrap and a woven wrap were lovely. I have also used a mei tai and a ring sling too.

If you only want to buy one, then I would definitely recommend getting a woven wrap (piece of fabric about 4.5 - 5m long). This will be strong enough to carry a 3 year old (if you want to!) and yet snuggly enough to carry a newborn. You can do a huge variety of different carries with it too, on your front, hip or back depending on what you want to do. There are loads of different brands, but nice ones to start learning with include BB Slen, Natibaby and Didymos.

hth [smiles]

Loopymumsy · 04/10/2011 13:19

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