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26 weeks, bump has dropped. Any chance I won't deliver early?

5 replies

sevensevenseven · 16/09/2011 18:21

hi, I'm just looking for some reassurance. I'm 26+3, I felt the baby turn into the head-down position last night and today my bump has noticeably dropped down. I had DS at 35 weeks a couple of weeks after my bump dropped with him. Does my bump dropping this early mean I'm likely to deliver early?

OP posts:
sevensevenseven · 17/09/2011 09:12

Thanks everyone for the reassurance.

cherry hope yours arrives soon.

OP posts:
JambalayaCodfishPie · 17/09/2011 07:24

With my DD, my bump dropped before 30 weeks, was even told at ante natal that she was ready to arrive and to keep myself aware of the early signs of labour so I could get my self to hospital.

She ended up being 2 weeks overdue. Smile

cherryjellybelly · 17/09/2011 03:47

mine dropped at 33 weeks I think (so not as early as yours) but I'm now overdue :(
So dont worry too much as your baby might move about again :)

LikeACandleButNotQuite · 16/09/2011 23:43

Hmmmm, I am 27 weeks today and feel the same. Its concerning me, as I now have around 4 inches under my bust of 'flatness', wereas before, bump came right out under bra line, so am watching here incase any experts happen along.

whackamole · 16/09/2011 20:42

I wouldn't have thought so. You are very early and babies move around an awful lot between now and then. He may have just been back to back and now is not (or vice versa).

Try not to worry.

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