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When they talk about the pregnancy glow, I didn't realise they meant green!

6 replies

Empusa · 15/08/2011 19:30

Just needed somewhere to moan, I'm excited, but the feeling ill is definitely making it hard to enjoy pregnancy. Doctor has put me on anti sickness pills, but said if I throw up again tomorrow she wants me on a drip. Fun!

When do I get to the fun bit?

OP posts:
candr · 16/08/2011 17:25

I was awful for first 15 weeks then 'got the glow' up until 25 weeks when started being ill again. Keep being told how well I look which is nice but I certainly don't feel it. I have however seen other ladies at same stage as me at Dr and I really feel for them. I seem to have avoided acne and greasy hair which makes a big difference so I know I am lucky really.

Booboostoo · 16/08/2011 10:26

I am afraid I was green through-out the pregnancy and didn't feel normal again until right after the c-section. Recovering from the c-section was a breeze compared to the pregnancy and keeping that extra bit of weight has made me look better, healthier and younger! I am only now glowing!

LoveInAColdClimate · 16/08/2011 10:07

I am 9+3 and starting to feel less sick. It's now episodes through the day rather than all day. I hope you feel better soon too.

AlpinePony · 16/08/2011 09:53

Empusa. For me the "fun" stuff happened after he was born. Despite the illness, the emcs, and all the other crap which went on - the morning after the c-section I felt "normal" again. Wink It was a fucking horrible 36 weeks and I was puking during the section still!

I'm now 13 weeks with my second and I feel absolutely fine. Tired obviously and sometimes nauseous but my skin is peaches & cream rather than acne & green!

So hopefully it's true what they say and that each pregnancy is different.

Empusa · 15/08/2011 23:28

I shall print your post and keep it where I can see it! Grin

OP posts:
thegingerone · 15/08/2011 20:57

For me, this time, week 15. I thought it would never pass. Then a few days later I couldn't even remember HOW bad I'd been feeling.

You have my hugs and sympathy. IT WILL PASS.

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