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Strange Taste After Dairy

3 replies

tonksy83 · 20/06/2011 20:17

So I get this horrible taste after anything dairy.......anyone else suffer with this or similar? I'm 4 mths now, it started after cups of tea, which I assumed was due to changing to decafe. However now its getting worse, and seems to be after eating anything dairy....such as cereal with milk, yogurt or ice cream. Although not a bad thing to be put off.....CHOCOLATE!!!
Can anyone suggest anything or let me know when this may end, as its putting me off food.... :(
It lasts for ages, and nothing covers it up!

Hope you can help with some advice, seeing midwife on Thursday so will mention it then to.

Thank you x

OP posts:
apples82 · 21/06/2011 14:53

I had this as well, it still hasn't worn off and i'm 23 weeks. I find that I cannot have anything dairy until about 4pm.

KateeTheBump · 21/06/2011 09:23

I went off semi-skimmed milk for a while around 16 weeks, ended up only being able to drink tea with skimmed - which normally I would find revolting, I also went off cheese sauce and cheese. I would just avoid them whilst they taste yuck and go back to them in a few weeks, I can now drink semi-skimmed again at 23 weeks, just don't like very much milk in my tea. (eating loads of cheese too!)

So its probably not permanent!

Poppet45 · 20/06/2011 21:10

You know I had this with DS, a horrid taste after eating cheese, and in the end I drastically reduced my dairy intake because of it. Interestingly as a small baby my son had a mild lactose intolerance - which he grew out of no problems whatsoever - but I always wondered if I was being put off dairy for his benefit!

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