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Is anyone else's DH 'strutting'?!

46 replies

PreScanName · 12/06/2011 12:50

Just found out we are expecting DC2. It is VERY early days but as both our DS and this one were conceived on the first try, DH is practically pinning medals on both his balls Grin

He is SO proud of himself.

We have agreed to keep it a secret 'til after the 12wk scan (hence silly name-change) but after that I won't be able to stop him telling everyone about his turbo sperm Hmm

Please tell me it's not just my plonker DH who does this??

OP posts:
waitingtobeamummy · 13/06/2011 21:15

Hi agian prescanname dont let harsh people upset you on here- I know I'm by far not the only person who has feritilty "ishoos" but I really do not think you or your dp deserve the bashing you have been given and I hope that you don't think I agree on it.....I think it's a harsh reality that some people will get pregnant straight away, some people it will take ages, some never will and it is something to just get used to and not take their negativies and insecurities out on other people. Chin up and again congratulations.

kri5ty · 13/06/2011 12:49


yes we conceived literally the first time... OH has named himself "super sperm" Men eh?!

Scheherezadea · 13/06/2011 12:34

DP is strutting, but it's more of a broody-paternal type than a turbo sperm type. Going into mothercare and going all gooey-eyed over little baby socks and things, and looking around him with a big grin as if to catch other shoppers eye and say "LOOK! LOOK WHAT I DID! AND this is my lady AND I've got a family!" and getting excited about toy trains and such like.

I don't see why smoe people on here are taking offence - my DP has something like 12 A*s, got into cambridge and has a v.good job now, doesn't mean he shouldn't be chuffed with himself. I'M chuffed with how chuffed he is Grin he even started weeping at the scan and loves being known as THE FATHER when we go for scans.

SuperheroYuki · 13/06/2011 12:25

Maybe we should just be glad our DH's think its an achievment and are not just sat in the corner rocking and crying muttering 'why me...'

As far as I know... Hmm

Bless 'em...

Awomancalledhorse · 13/06/2011 01:31

My dh isn't strutting about, the window cleaner is Wink

Congratulations OP, on your manfriendly lady bits & your DH's turbosperm (anyone else reminded of that episode of Rules of Engagement where Jeff finds out he's 'super fertile')!

Pudding2be · 12/06/2011 23:51

Prescanname, don't listen to the negatives on here. It took us two years to concieve, with low sperm count and ovulation problems, finally got there with clomid. And I would have taken your post for the light hearted comment it was had I not.

I am sick and tired of some people using MN to verbally attack and abuse people. I'm seeing it more and more and think it's completely out of order.

Congratulations on your pregnancy. Btw my oh did the 'my balls work' lol. And before anyone jumps down my throat it was behind closed doors to me

Honeydragon · 12/06/2011 23:19

I have a very good friend who was pleased as punch when they conceived and referred to his turbo sperm (in the singular). They had been told it would never happen naturally due to bad scarring, and were saving and saving for treatment. It was so lovely and never came across as crass.

Graduating with a first isn't that clever...its only the start of the journey Smile

WickedWitchSouthWest · 12/06/2011 23:16

Um I took this as a light hearted thread. Also it's in Pregnancy not Conception and when I was having difficulty conceiving DC2 and a bit sensitive I wouldn't have been hanging around in Pregnancy!

OP, congrats on your pregnancy! I hope it all goes well. And thanks for giving me and DH a chuckle at "pinning a medal on both his balls" Grin

georgie22 · 12/06/2011 23:06

Oh dear - some people do take everything very seriously. It was intended as a light hearted thread. Glad I don't live life devoid of any sense of humour. Chill out!!

NatzCNL · 12/06/2011 23:05

Grin - this is a 'fun' thread, I think that is obvious from the first post. If it offends you so much thisisourtime to see people having a laugh and enjoying the fact that something wonderful has happened, then please be kind enough not to post on here or use such offensive language.

Any expectant parent and new parent gets excited over even the smallest part of the parenting journey. I rang all my relatives when my daughter used the potty for the first time screaming 'she did a POO!'. And yes, I felt like a very excited school child, so what?

georgie22 · 12/06/2011 23:01

OMG my primary head teacher would be horrified at my spelling - certainly and people!

d0gFace · 12/06/2011 22:56

Telling people to 'Grow the fuck up' is abit pot kettle dont ya think?

Congrats on your pregnancy!

thisisourtiime · 12/06/2011 22:48

Oh fgs, yes I did.

But the lot of you sound like you're in a school playground running around and getting excited about what (unless you experience issues) is the least significant part of the parenting journey.

Very weird people on this thread, getting over excited about what their genitals produce. Yes, that's REALLY what it's about.

Grow the fuck up.

BettyTurnip · 12/06/2011 22:44

Oh fgs, did you not see the inverted commas around the word clever?

NatzCNL · 12/06/2011 22:43

My DP is referred to at work as 'super-sperm', and is constantly ribbed for the speed of our conceptions. Now pregnant with number 3, they are placing bets on how long before number 4 makes an appearance...!!!! Female collegues are warned not to stand too close as they may get impregnated, and DP jokes that we only held hands. All done in good jest. My brother-in-law and sister-in-law who have been trying to conceive for the best part of 12 years also refer to DP as 'Super-Sperm' with no ill feeling.
I thought this started off as a very light hearted and funny post, and hope that people can see that this is all it was intended to be. Congratulations OP on the pregnancy Smile

thisisourtiime · 12/06/2011 22:40


I have twins.. How is it clever? Confused

Me graduating with a first = clever.

My ovaries doing some random thing is

georgie22 · 12/06/2011 22:39

I can identify with your thread, PreScanName as my dh was very proud of his 'super sperm' after conceiving our dd very quickly. Luckily this was saved for me only and he certainly never mentioned it outside the house, as he's certanily no neanderthal and takes other's feelings into account, especially as you never know the situations that peopel are in. I did point out that I had a part to play as well but clearly nowhere near as significant as his part in it all! Congratulations on the pregnancy.

BrassicaBabe · 12/06/2011 22:38

Controversy aside...

My DH couldn't stop the smug grin when we found out we were having twins. And there I was thinking I was the "clever" one for producing two eggs!

(Embracing the controvery, we'd had our fair share of ups and downs, and this was with fertility treatment. And for smug I mean proud.)

The smug grin seemed to be endorsed up by the fact that everyone said "congratulations" to me and "well done" to him!! Hmm

thisisourtiime · 12/06/2011 22:33

Fuck me, THIS is the kind of thing that makes your DH STRUT WITH PRIDE?

Oohoo, what a chuckle!

Is he 12?

apricotears · 12/06/2011 22:29

This really sounds as though it was posted in good jest. I wouldn't worry about offending anyone PreScan. If people can't see it for that, then it's no fault of yours. I can just imagine your DH saying that stuff- and I don't imagine him to be a neanderthal at all; just a proud daddy. It makes me chuckle- what a funny boy Grin

msbuggywinkle · 12/06/2011 19:26

We've conceived all three first try, DP has only mentioned it when a friend's DP was going on (and on) about conceiving their first baby first try in order to shut him up.

LynetteScavo · 12/06/2011 18:32

In thier defense, I think they were actually shit scared.


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LynetteScavo · 12/06/2011 18:31

DH was like this when I was pg with DS1 (unplanned) .Funnily enough a good school freind of his was also expecting a baby (unplanned) at the same time. They would get to gether in the pub and do funny arm gestures and say "whosamaan" Hmm A third school freind who was desperately, and unsuccesfully, trying to concieve with his wife was refered to as a "jaffa", followed by childish sniggers. This was from intelligent, well brought up men in their late 20's Hmm Shock Hmm Shock Hmm

MsChanandlerBong · 12/06/2011 18:10

Anyway, in response to the OP my DH hasn't been strutting, he has been walking around with a bewildered look on his face as if to say "what have I done?!"

Fluter · 12/06/2011 18:09

Yup, DH did it as well, bless him. And this was after being told that his swimmers weren't up to scratch, and the IVF we'd need to have would have to be ICSI.... on the day - well, they were apparently so ok, they cancelled the ICSI bit.
I'd let them have their um... 'head' on this one, myself!

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