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4D scans, who has had and would you have?

7 replies

danio7 · 03/06/2011 20:35

Hi mummas!

my DH is away a lot and so as a surprise I have booked a 4D scan as he is coming home after a month and a half away in 2 weeks time!

I am scared that it isnt going to be worth the money, as it is our first I thought I would go with it and learn from our mistakes!
who has had a 4D scan already?

OP posts:
Boogiemumma · 05/06/2011 13:51

I had one at 29 weeks and it was well worth it, we saw DD yawning wriggling, smiling which was amazing. The place we went to had said that if they could not get a good view we could come back but that if ultimately we ended up not being able to see then we wouldn't pay. Luckily we got some amazing pics and it has helped me feel close to her while in my tum.

danio7 · 04/06/2011 20:48

how exciting, I will be 30 weeks when we get ours done so I am slightly worried that the quality will not be as good.. hopefully it will be worth it, if it's not worth it then we know not to bother next time, although from your comments I am sure I will be booking another!!

OP posts:
OrangeGloss · 04/06/2011 11:27

I'm 27 weeks tomorrow and just had one, and it was well worth the money, it really looked like a little person. Kinda made it seem more real, but also worrying hoping everything goes ok and I get to meet this cute little person I've seen on screen. We had the babybond 4d growth scan which is cheaper than the full scan, as it was the only appointment available, but felt we'd seen enough :)

featherblue · 04/06/2011 11:00

I had one and I'm afraid I think it was a huge waste of money. I loved seeing her, of course, but I was apparently too far along to get a very good look. I was 30 weeks exactly, and the place I went (Babybond) allows you to book until 31 weeks and has no guidance saying the earlier the better. But the person scanning me said I should've come between 26 and 28 weeks to get a better view. Of course, they told me this after I had spent £180!

I have an anterior placenta, which also apparently makes it more difficult to get a good view. If they had given any guidance before booking I would've come in earlier. So unfortunately I would recommend to go early or not at all.

They did bring me back a few days later for free to try to see her again, but no luck. She was just always squished up against the side of my uterus because there wasn't much room, so the pictures aren't great.

AlpinePony · 04/06/2011 07:01

I ended up having quite a few. One was done when I went for a growth scan, the woman doing it was one of the country's leading experts & lecturers so her equipment was spot on. She gave us a quick "look see" and said it was the best picture she'd ever seen, so printed it out - it looks to this day (he's 11 months) like just a "sepia" photo of my boy.

We had 3 others done which I paid for (he was always sleeping so she kept calling us back (for free)) and her equipment was nowhere near as good and tbh could be "anyone's" baby. Confused

I will definitely get one done again, but only on the very best of the best equipment.

KenDoddsDadsDog · 03/06/2011 20:49

I had one. I didn't think I would have but I had severe hyperemesis and kind of wanted the reassurance. We didn't share the pictures / video with anyone. It's very strange to compare pictures of DD as a baby and see the same face looking out of the scan picture!

WinterLover · 03/06/2011 20:39

Have a look at my profile on here, ive put up a few pictures. For us it was definately worth its money, DP and I have a lovely afternoon, DSD(5) loved seeing her little brother/sister on the big screen.

My parents and grandparents are made up with the DVD and CD full of pictures as none of them had technology like that when they had children.

I had mine at 28 weeks and now trying to convince DP to have another one at about 32/33 weeks but I think thats a no goer Hmm

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