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34wks, Growth slowed right down - wondering what Drs might do, or what I should be asking

38 replies

loueytb3 · 22/05/2011 09:36

I've been having fairly regular scans as I have been measuring small by the useless tape measure method throughout. All the scans up until this point had shown the baby is on the 50th centile. Had a scan on Thursday at just over 34wks to check growth and the stomach measurement had dropped to the 30th centile, all other measurements were still on the 50th centile. The sonographer did a Doppler which showed the blood flow was ok and sent me up to day assessment. They checked all the usual stuff and all is normal but they want to see me twice a week for monitoring. I'm seeing the consultant tomorrow (if he's there). I'm just wondering why this might be happening as there is no obvious cause and what they are likely to do. Is there anything I should be asking? I had pre-e last time round with my twins but it was not unexpected since they were twins. They were eventually born at 35+6 and were both classed as IUGR. Current predicted weights with this LO is 1.6kg but last time it totally overestimated DTs weight so I don't have any faith in the estimates.

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Foodx123 · 30/05/2020 18:37

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AitchTwoOh · 03/06/2011 10:03

with dd's blood sugars, snuggling her in close, lots of skin to skin etc stabilised them in a way that surprised the doctors. don't let scbu take over, he's your baby, not theirs. they have a tendency, imo and ime, to get that mixed up.

loueytb3 · 03/06/2011 06:09

Grin Aitch - the first thing the surgeon said was he was a good size for an IUGR baby. He's long and thin so he looks heavier than he is too. Hoping that his blood sugars have come up over night and he can come back in with me today.

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AitchTwoOh · 03/06/2011 01:32

brilliant news Louey! he's ENORMOUS!

LoopyLoopsBettyBoops · 02/06/2011 22:04

Oh, and for your question - dopplers - one in normal range, the other on 95th centile :(

LoopyLoopsBettyBoops · 02/06/2011 22:03

Congratulations, that's brilliant news. Keeping my fingers crossed that he'll be out of SCBU really quickly. Well done! :)

loueytb3 · 02/06/2011 20:12

I had a baby boy this morning - he was 4lbs 8oz. We escaped SCBU to begin with but he's having trouble with low blood sugar levels so they have just taken him in to try and get the levels up. BF'ing has gone out of the window at the moment although he did get some EBM from me. Hopefully he won't need a tube and will be back with me soon.

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loueytb3 · 01/06/2011 05:50

MrsMon - that's great news. Hope that's the last of your scares.

Aitch - that is exactly what happened with DTS1, same weight too. Really hoping for the same outcome this time.

Loopy - oh blimey, its never plain sailing is it? Were the dopplers still in the normal range? I know you know this, but please take yourself in if there is any change in movements at all, a week sounds a long time to wait for any more monitoring. My waters have gone down from 11cm to 4cm in less than 5 days, if they left me much longer, there wouldn't have been much left. My dopplers hadn't got any worse in that time.

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AitchTwoOh · 31/05/2011 22:21

we were predicted for 3lbs, possibly less, and dd came out SCREAMING at 4lb 1oz and never needed to be in SCBU at all. (she was there overnight because i kept nearly dying). she was with me from the second day, absolutely fantastic, just tiny, and is now a feisty toddler.
very glad that they are keeping such a good eye on you and your baby, louey.

LoopyLoopsBettyBoops · 31/05/2011 22:10

Oh louey, so sorry to hear that, but really glad they are acting on it, the baby will be in the right place for the situation. Good luck for Thursday. :)

My dopplers weren't so good today, but waiting for another scan next week. Am 36+3 now though, so not too worried any more.

Glad yours went well Mrsmon.

mrsmon · 31/05/2011 19:51

it went well, all is good! why do midwifes put u under fear for a whole weekend! i was soo worried but it turns out he is fine and yes im having another boy hehe x
thats not very good news hope ur ok? but at least they are doing something about it and booking you in, probs not what you want but it will probs b better for baby.
keep us posted xxx

loueytb3 · 31/05/2011 16:02

How did it go MrsMon?

Today's update from me, not so good. Had dopplers and growth scan at lunchtime. Baby has barely grown since the last scan (neither head, abdomen or feet). More worringly, the amniotic fluid level has dropped a lot since last Thursday. Consultant wants the baby out and has booked me in for a CS on Thursday. Baby is predicted to be 4lbs 1oz at the moment.

Fairy - you are totally right, the scans can be very inaccurate. With DTs they were predicted to be nearly 5lbs each, and one was 3lbs11 and the other 4lbs1oz, so I'm expecting this one to be less than the 4lbs 1oz that they have predicted. Looks like we won't escape SCBU after all. Really hope they have underestimated it this time.

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fairydoll · 30/05/2011 14:22

IME (4 babies) scans can be spectacularly innacurate.With one child was one leg was longer than the other.It wasn't at all buyt i had weeks and weeks of worry about it. With DS1 i was told after scan he was very big-probably couldn't deliver vaginally.He was 6lb 3oz at term!!

mrsmon · 30/05/2011 12:37

Thats what im hoping :) thanks ladies xx

loueytb3 · 30/05/2011 11:35

Lots of luck mrsmon - they basically measure head, tummy and legs in a growth scan and plot them on a graph. It's good they are keeping an eye on you and hopefully it's just the baby lying in an awkward position.

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LoopyLoopsBettyBoops · 30/05/2011 10:23

Growth scan is just like a normal scan but shorter, don't worry and good luck. :)

mrsmon · 30/05/2011 10:13

hope all goes well for you :)
Iv to get a growth scan today(1st one ever) im 27+5 and midwife thinks baby feels small or its maybe just position its in, first 2 were breech and transverse. just a little bit worried as iv never had one before and dont know what to expect! iv lost 2stone in weight with this pregnancy which i never did with my previous pregs and do actually feel and look smaller than what i did with my boys! just hoping its nothing to be worried about x

LoopyLoopsBettyBoops · 29/05/2011 19:42

Fingers firmly crossed for you. :)

loueytb3 · 27/05/2011 10:38

loopy I'm so sorry about your DTD1, I can't imagine how hard it must be getting through another pg after that. I had a MMC at 12 weeks before this one and then bleeding a few times early on so its not been a walk in the park, even before the latest scare. Glad your LO has picked up growth, and you are nearly there now.

The scan went ok yesterday, fluid levels are fine. The Doppler has got worse since last week and is just about normal (measured 1 and above 1 is abnormal from what I can tell). Sonographer said that tied in with the reduced heart rate on the CTG and sent me upstairs. They then got a consultant to check that he was happy for me to go home and come back tomorrow for monitoring and he did. He wants me to come in every other day for monitoring and has organised a more sophisticated Doppler scan for Tuesday, assuming that we get there. I would like to get to 36 weeks if possible, and actually have a baby in the month in which its due!

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LoopyLoopsBettyBoops · 26/05/2011 11:38

stars not starts!

LoopyLoopsBettyBoops · 26/05/2011 11:37

louey, just to let you know I know how you feel. Last pregnancy was a twin one (sadly DTD1 was stillborn) and I expected this singleton pregnancy to be much easier. Oddly, it hasn't been anywhere near as emotionally difficult as I thought (bearing in mind what happened last time) but having had my own IUGR crisis (seems to have corrected itself), leaking waters and irritable uterus, I'm shocked at how a singleton pregnancy can be just as difficult!

Obviously, my own feelings are very black and white - I'll be happy if the baby is alive, (I thank my lucky starts for every day it is still inside me and every time it moves) but I completely understand the sense of confusion at what should, in comparison, have been so straightforward.

I'm 36 weeks tomorrow, and have the C-section booked for 3 weeks time. At 36 weeks I know that the baby will be absolutely fine. Even though I'm still pretty stressed out about the whole thing, I can't help but be amazed at how quickly it has all gone, and simply the fact that it is still alive is astounding.

Take care, but remember you and the baby are in very good hands. There is nothing to be afraid of even if you have to have the baby today. At 35 weeks it's likely to not even need special care.


loueytb3 · 26/05/2011 10:31

Morning. You are all quite right, 35 weeks is a great stage to get to, some people would kill to get that far. I think the problem is that I had thought that a singleton pg would be less complicated than a twin pg and I would get to nearly term without too much difficulty. As well as that, DS1 has SN (ASD) and we don't know whether this may have been caused in part by his IUGR and prematurity and me having pre-eclampsia. So now I'm worried about the possible effects on this LO as well.

But, this morning, its moving around a lot to reassure me. I am just going to potter around and sort out some stuff and then off to the hospital late afternoon. DH is coming with me so if there is a problem I will have someone there. Will keep you posted!

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LoopyLoopsBettyBoops · 26/05/2011 10:15

Keeping my fingers crossed for you. Hope they are looking after you well.

DD was born at 32 weeks and had absolutely no medical problems whatsover. 3 weeks in hospital (1 was in TCU so not so bad),.

It'll all be fine, don't worry. :)

mummy22gorgeousboys · 25/05/2011 22:41

Just wanted to say hope everything goes well for you and baby, and it certainly sounds like you're getting great care from the hospital. They don't seem to be letting anything left to chance, that's got to be a good thing.

Let us know how you get on, and like aitchTwoOh said, baby is grown now and it may be safer / healthier for your baby if he/she is out now?

All the best and keep in touch.

PenguinArmy · 25/05/2011 19:51

May be small for 35 weeks but it is a great time frame to get to. Good luck with the wait tonight, I hope you have some support there with you.

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