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Best maternity pillow??

47 replies

sarahmia · 08/05/2011 17:19

anyone have any recommendations?

OP posts:
natwebb79 · 20/05/2011 08:00

I've got the Mum E pillow and it is WONDERFUL! I've always been a full on tummy sleeper so was really worried about having to sleep on my side. The maternity pillow is the only thing that worked - I tried normal pillows etc. but didn't get on with them. I often find my boyfriend cuddled up to it when I get out of the shower too, haha!

Markfoster · 08/03/2014 21:04

I order a pillow for my wife after reading reviews from and it sure does the job.
The pillow is comfort U body pillow and is considerably large in size as compared to standard pillows.
If you're looking for something that helps with the backpain, then surely it's a good choice.

HelenHen · 08/03/2014 22:13

I got my dream genii for 25 in tk maxx! I would have struggled to pay full price! It's bloody massive and a right pain in the arse for turning over but now I'm in the spare room on my own I love it'

Boogles91 · 08/03/2014 22:30

Ive got a massive teddy :) mum and dad bought it me years ago from tescos, christmas doggy :) its brilliant :p as i can onky get comfy on my back and left side its handy to prop my head up x

Moxiechick · 09/03/2014 08:17

I just got extra normal pillows and put one underneath, one between my knees and the wherever else x

derek10 · 20/03/2014 19:24

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DomesticGoddess31 · 20/03/2014 19:34

I have the cheap Argos body pillow and hate it. Its lumpy and too long and too flippin hot. Wish I'd invested in something better but not worth it now at 38wks.

captaincake · 20/03/2014 20:44

I have a theraline too. I love it. It's a beanbag in the shape of a slightly v shape pillow so you don't get the flat bits/it's really easy to shake the beans back rather than fluffing a pillow.

Heatherbell1978 · 29/05/2014 08:30

I got the dream genii last week and the jury is still out on it for me. I got it because I'm a back sleeper and I hoped the back bit would stop that. In a way it does but only because I still roll my back but instead wake up with the back pillow wedged under me! There have been a few nights where I've just chucked it off the bed and been better without it too.

elmo2014 · 29/05/2014 08:39

I would also recommend the Theraline. I've had mine for over 8 yrs and it's still going strong. I'm 20 wks pregnant with no. 3 and I wouldn't be sleeping without it, I can't get comfy otherwise. My older children (9 and 7) also love it, they're always stealing it to read in bed with. It has been worth every penny.

CoolCat2014 · 29/05/2014 08:40

I've got the summer infant pillow and love it, supports my back so I don't roll over so much, but also allows me to sleep on my right side sometimes to give tired left hip a break! Think I got it from Argos :)

Jeanemelanson · 18/06/2014 18:22

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Jeanemelanson · 18/06/2014 18:27

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frankily · 06/07/2014 18:59

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frankily · 07/07/2014 13:17

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Twizzletoes · 07/07/2014 17:39

I'm surgically attached to my theraline pillow, I got one from amazon for about 30 pounds, best money I've spent so far...

Misscocopops · 08/07/2014 00:44

I have two from argos, a ÂŁ12 v shaped one which I adore, and the big sausage one (summer something it's called) with all the great reviews. The smaller one is great in bed as it doesn't take too much to move it when I roll from side to side but the bigger one is a nightmare in bed as you are wedged into it but it's great for the sofa if you know your on one side, both will be used for breast feeding. The additional bonus for the summer sausage pillow is that it has a little insert which turns it into like a mini chair for your little one, which I've yet to try out.
Either way I'm pleased I have both and together they cost less than a genie. X

Maryblack · 28/09/2014 21:39

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debbi80 · 16/02/2015 14:55

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tinkerbellvspredator · 16/02/2015 15:04

Think it really depends on what works for different people. With DC1 I used the summer infant one and also found it useful as a little 'bed' downstairs for naps and when she first started sitting. This time round I didn't get on with it Confused

2015isgoingtobeBIG · 16/02/2015 19:47

I've got a long sausage bolster from Amazon. Can't remember whether it was sold as a pregnancy pillow or a general posture one. I've now discovered the way to sleep on it to help my PGP after the regular pillows I was using weren't supportive enough of my bump. It does take up a lot of space in the bed and turning over feels like I'm wrestling a small crocodile but if I get in the right position it's great. If I had a thick enough firm pillow for my bump I'd probably have stuck with just using my regular pillows between my legs.

curlimum · 18/02/2015 19:25

Another vote for the theraline pillow. I have used mine through 3 pregnancies, and have had to wean myself off it post childbirth! DH calls it 'the other husband'. Got mine cheap on eBay, and recently bought a new cover from Amazon.


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