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Much bigger second time round?

2 replies

JumpJockey · 23/11/2010 17:59

Am currently 28 weeks with dd2, and measuring and weighing what I did at 34 weeks with dd1. (measuring in terms of round the waist!)

20 week scan showed that baby's abdomen was off the centiles so have had extra scans and a GTT :( all of which have been fine, just show that baby still has a big tum but is about 75th centile on overall size. I measured bang on 26 weeks at AN appointment after GTT, so not sure how I can be much bigger round the other way where my 'waist' used to be [sob]. This isn't much more than dd1 was. So why am I feeling and being so enormous?

Is it normal just to be bigger second time round? Will I be outgrowing my maternity clothes by week 35?!

OP posts:
Nagoo · 23/11/2010 19:23

I got bigger quickly, was huge by 16 weeks.

But i'm now much smaller than I was with ds and i'm 40+8.

He was B2B and this one isn't. But if there's a 9lb baby in this belly i'll eat my hat. Much smaller Smile

thisisyesterday · 23/11/2010 18:01

yeah it is normal cos everything is all stretchier and looser than last time! sorry

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