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Anyone else feeling Preggo but waiting to test

16 replies

UntitledNo2 · 20/10/2010 01:49

Hi Ladies,

Whoa, cracking up. Defo feeling knocked up, but promised DP I would wait until tomorrow to test. Yikes! Anyone else in the same boat? With the waiting?

FWIW, I have nausea, exhaustion, giant boobs, nausea, hormones, even bigger boobs (they are ridiculous!), nausea, cream cracker cravings, meat cravings and, er, nausea.

Waiting to test is the pits. Any other Ladies feeling the same?

OP posts:
CrazyPlateLady · 22/10/2010 09:59

Sorry it didn't work out this time.

Fingers crossed for next time, although when you are waiting, you do seem to 'have' all the symptoms.

UntitledNo2 · 22/10/2010 03:51

Thanks for the support Ladies, and apologies for the delay in responding... Had a BFN and then AF landed. Awful! So have spent the past day sat on my couch wallowing. And eating crisps. Was definately not expecting that, but I guess all we can do is try again. Thanks again for the cheering on though.

OP posts:
jollyjollymom · 21/10/2010 19:13

hi floppy bits, so glad someone understands me, I had same experience with my first (twins). gudluck to you....

floppybits · 21/10/2010 15:10

My period due exactly the same time but already got sore boobs, nausea, constantly need to wee and constant period pains but no period... It would also be my second pregnancy... Can't BEAR not knowing even though I feel like I already know...

jollyjollymom · 21/10/2010 09:51

sorry, I meant the day before...

jollyjollymom · 21/10/2010 09:50

My period is due on 1st Nov, TTCing from 16th day of my period, I know I am being so silly saying this, I already experience some heaviness in my lower abdomen, and also had some orangy stain on my white pants the before.. But I wont do a pee stick until after the 1st of Nov. I hate not being in control... its my second pg.. anyone with same experience.....??

CrazyPlateLady · 21/10/2010 09:37

Ok, now its the next morning.

Any news?!

CrazyPlateLady · 20/10/2010 20:26

Whoops. I saw the time as this afternoon when she posted the OP. I'm tired too. Wink

Bucketcrutch · 20/10/2010 20:16

I assumed by tomorrow she meant today because it was so early on.
Sorry was a bit tired last night when I was posting.

CrazyPlateLady · 20/10/2010 20:00

This thread was started today, she hasn't tested yet.

Don't wait, do it now! Grin

Bucketcrutch · 20/10/2010 18:36

Well Untitled? How did it go?

Bucketcrutch · 20/10/2010 03:03

ooh let us know, how exciting.......:) :) :)

UntitledNo2 · 20/10/2010 02:35

Hehe... How wonderful, Bucketcrutch. Yay for you, having a lovely little DD : D OK, am defo testing in the morning - tis time to find out for sure, I think. Fingers crossed!!!

OP posts:
Bucketcrutch · 20/10/2010 02:23

I'm 4 months overdue, or to put it another way we had our DD 4 months ago :)

UntitledNo2 · 20/10/2010 02:21

Bucketcrutch... Congrats!!! How far along are you?

I'm dying to test, but also rather scared to, iykwim. It is so, soooo hard to resist the call of the First Response!

OP posts:
Bucketcrutch · 20/10/2010 01:55

I told the OH that I wouldnt test until the next day but he went out for a 10 mile training run and I couldnt resist the urge. Luckily he understood.

Oh and it was +ve as well.

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