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32+4 and trying to prepare...........

9 replies

Dozeyland · 31/08/2010 12:56

So I know I still have a few weeks until proper countdown, but I really want to get a few things done & dusted asap:

  1. Hospital bag (baby & mine)
  2. Birth plan
  3. sort out my room (currently with rents)

I'm not thinking about the labour yet (as in the scarey part) otherwise i will go into panic meltdown i think just thinking negatively which is silly.

argh. I keep making stupid lists for my hospital bag, then i end up with about ten that say different things!

OP posts:
Chelle1986 · 04/09/2010 19:59

Oxford? I was born and lived there for a few years - born in the John Radcliffe 24 years

Dozeyland · 04/09/2010 11:46

i'm from Oxford, the gender is unknown! :)

OP posts:
Chelle1986 · 02/09/2010 11:24

Sorry - to butt in again but YummyMummy - I'm having my LO at Countess Chester - thats quite close to Wrexham. Am due on 20th Sept. 37+3.xx

YummyMummy1208 · 02/09/2010 10:47

You're not having baby in Wrexham by any chance are you? Grin As if you are, we may bump into each other!

I dont adapt very well to pregnancy so not enjoying it now, just want to stop feeling so heavy, its such hard work even trying to get up off a chair nowadays! Like you say its weird going from being size 8/10 with hardly anything on you to having this 2 stone belly hanging off you!

do you know what yo're having?

Dozeyland · 01/09/2010 21:54

I'm due 22nd October! getting close!!

Yeah i'm going to try and remain as laid back as possible, I do want to add in there:

for DP to tell me the sex.

i want as natural as possible (maybe water intervention otherwise active)

baby to be put to chest

and no visitors until we say (we have a big family and i dont want to be bombarded right away! i want to establish feeding too (hopefull BF)

Pregnancy has been fab (other than heartburn, tiredness & achy back as im getting bigger)other than Good! i get told that i'm carrying small, but i feel huge considering i was a slim tall size 8-10 before lol. now having something like a football on my front seems odd! :o


OP posts:
YummyMummy1208 · 01/09/2010 12:58

im 32+3! so you must be due on the 24th of october right? Grin

Im doing this for the second time and first time round i wrote ahuge 2 page birth plan - for only one point on it to actually happen - which was for the midwife to tell us the sex of the baby, every other part didnt go to plan for one reason or another! and so this time around im much more relaxed on the whole birth plan bit, think i will just bullet point a few important bits like my needle phobia etc but i wont expect it to actually happen as i plan it if you know what i mean!

I did write a list for my hospital bag and think i packed quite a good one last time as theres nothing i missed or forgot to bring, if u start packing now, you'll be sure to have everything you need in there by 37 weeks!

More importantly, dont stress, itl all be fine. Howz the pregnancy going?

Chelle1986 · 01/09/2010 10:27

You will get there. I've only got about 3 weeks left and still loads to do - but the only thing thats important is the healthy arrival of

Dozeyland · 31/08/2010 18:36

My DP says that, just take it easy & do bit by bit! no rush! where as me im in the frame of mind that I "Have to get it all done" NOW lol

I just want to have the thought of "ah, all sorted" but in this case it never will be and i know i need to adopt the freespirited attitude when bubs is here. i normally am but its just i dont want to be having the baby early and not having anything ready!

its a nightmare trying to tidy our room. baby's stuff is in plastic boxes, (we have one room) :(

so cramped!

wish i could do a little nursery, will have to wait until we have our own place i guess

OP posts:
Chelle1986 · 31/08/2010 17:28

Just try and focus on one thing at a time. I am 37+1 now and I am also a HUGE fan of lists! God forbid anyone write on my lists appart from me - DP made the mistake only once! Haha.

So i've got a list at the minute and am just focusing on one thing at a time - today for example was 'tidy our bedroom and hoover it'.

Don't overdo it. Just relax and do things as you can. It helps to priorotise the list IMO - for example hospital bag right at top, then birth plan.....etc etc.

But you might not be as anal as me!! Grin


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