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Is there any way to tell when you will actually have your baby?

4 replies

NoTeaForMe · 24/08/2010 15:03

Hi all,

I am 32+5 and my MIL has said a few times that she is sure that I will have the baby early. We really don't want this to be true, not least because we are in the process of buying a house and would like to move BEFORE the baby arrives, and (don't worry we know we may not be able to make this) we have a friends wedding 5 days before the due date.
Obviously the fact that we don't want a premature baby for all the health reasons goes without saying.

Anyway, me being stubborn I just don't want her to be right! But it has got me thinking, are there any signs if you will have the baby early/on time/late?! Just wondering really, bit bored today! Smile

OP posts:
TerritorialMosquito · 24/08/2010 15:43

we petitioned the army to send my gf's husband home a couple of weeks early from ops as she was so huge she couldn't breathe/ walk/ look after their toddler. everyone (midwives, obs) was convinced she was going into labour at any second.

she went 10 days over. but the baby was 10lb 13oz.

i love babies. the only guarantee is that eventually they will come out, one way or another. no telling when. Grin

NoTeaForMe · 24/08/2010 15:34

I think I just wanted reassuring that she can only be right through sheer coincidence really! It's starting to annoy us both that MIL keeps saying it. Partly because when we told her I was pregnant she just said "Oh I knew it, I knew you were beginning of January because of X, Y and Z" However much we told her I didn't fall pregnant til February she just says - "well I knew before you then!" Confused

People really do like to tell you what they think when you get pregnant don't they!! Whether it's a boy or girl, when you will have the baby, that they already knew everything anyway.....!

OP posts:
saoirse86 · 24/08/2010 15:15

I'm 35+4 and have had 5 months of people telling me how massive I look and that there's no way I can go full term. I also don't want them to be right just because it's annoying me now. Especially as last week my measurements hadn't increased much so was sent for a growth scan and then told the baby's on the small side.
I think a lot of people have far too much to say about everything when you're pregnant so just relax and it'll happen when it happens. Good luck with the move.

iloveholidays · 24/08/2010 15:14


Unfortunately babies come when they want to and we can't really predict this.

The only possible signs might be family history, as myself and both my sisters have had our children 3+ weeks early.

Other possible sign is if the baby engages early - my DD did at 32ish weeks.

But... both could be coincidence with me!! :)

Good luck!

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