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whats this pain in my left hand side?

4 replies

janski31 · 20/07/2010 13:51

Have a strange sort of pain in my left side quite uncomfortable when I walk ok when am sat down it kind of feels like its a pain to do with my bladder but have have had a urine test and havent got a infection, have also been really uncomfortable last couple of nights in bed as well am only 19 weeks so not massive but this pain what ever it is is not nice!

anyone else have this?x

OP posts:
janski31 · 20/07/2010 14:39

I will do thanks.

OP posts:
Bramshott · 20/07/2010 14:23

I just mention because you need to be extra-vigilant about DVT when you are pregnant, and the most common place for it to present in pregnant women is in the veins in the pelvis. Keep an eye on it, and if it gets so bad that walking is very painful, or if your leg swells, it would be worth getting checked out.

janski31 · 20/07/2010 13:58

They don't look swollen, but had this pain last monday when I went to see midwife she did my blood pressure was fine and said I might have a water infection, I didnt.

OP posts:
Bramshott · 20/07/2010 13:54

Do you have any swelling in your leg lower down?

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