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Is your child ready for potty training at nursery? Here's the place for all your toilet training questions.

Potty training

what do i need

3 replies

NinjaChipmunk · 26/05/2010 15:17

we're about to start potty training ds who is 2 and a half. this week i'm going to buy him a lot of pants, we've already got a potty, might buy a little toilet seat to use at home/ grandmas. do i need anything else? are wet wipes that go down the loo a worthwhile buy? or those potty liners?
I'm not too flush with cash but get paid this week so need to buy asap!

OP posts:
cupofcoffee · 27/05/2010 12:33

I do also use the flushable wipes (I use shop own brand as much cheaper than kandoo).

The other thing is thinking about what you are going to do when you go out during the early days of potty training. Personally I picked a time when I didn't have to go out much for the first couple of weeks (I was off work). I bought some pull up nappies (which I am not a big fan of using for potty training generally because I think that it can give the child the sense that a nappy is there so they are less inclined to use the potty) for using at times when an accident would of meant too much hassle e.g. when needing to drive along the motorway and when we went to the cinema.

cupofcoffee · 27/05/2010 12:14

I think the main essential is, as you've already said, lots of pants. I've recently potty trained ds2. Its a great time of year to do it in the warmer weather. I went to ASDA and brought lots of cheap pants and also cheap shorts. The shorts I got were those ones made of very light material with the netting inside (that can be used for swimming/water play etc) and I found these were good as very easy to wash and dry.

anothersleeplessnight · 27/05/2010 11:19

Hi Ninja. We are on day 6 of potty training here. I haven't used the potty liners or the flushable wipes, just using toilet roll and his normal wipes for number 2's! We bought 2 potties so we could have one upstairs and one downstairs, just little cheapie ones from IKEA. I found that having the potty around for a while before we started actually training beneficial. We took him to the toilet with us and let him to sit on it fully clothed so he got used to it. Sorry, more info than you asked for there . Good luck with it! xxx

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